Marine Electric RPD Markets Steering Gear Power Failure Alarm

In accordance with proposed Coast Guard Rules stipulating that vessels calling on U.S. ports must be equipped with steering gear power failure alarm indication, Marine Electric RPD, Inc.

is marketing a Galbraith-Pilot Marine Power Failure Alarm which meets these Coast Guard Regulations.

The GPM Steering Gear Power Failure Alarm activates an alarm in the pilot house whenever the actual rudder position differs for 30 or more seconds by more than 5 degrees from the rudder position selected by the helmsman.

Operating over 24 VDC uninterruptible (general alarm) battery power, the GPM Steering Gear Power Failure Alarm continually monitors steering gear circuits for power interruptions.

Two circuits are provided, one for the principle steering gear circuit, the other for the backup steering gear.

Complete specifications may be obtained by writing to Lee Dombrowski, Marine Electric RPD, Inc., 166 National Road, Edison, N.J. 08817.

Other stories from July 1977 issue


Maritime Reporter

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