Page 15: of Maritime Reporter Magazine (September 1980)

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Rigs In Rough Seas

The safety factor in offshore drilling will form part of several papers at the congress, including a talk by 0. Furnes of Det norske

Veritas on collisions between ships and offshore rigs, and a contribu- tion by C. Ostergaard and W.

Zaretzke of Germanischer Lloyd on the offshore operations of crane ships at sea. T.E. Schellin of Germanischer Lloyd will dis- cuss the basic planning of moor- ing systems.

Scientists from the Indian In- stitute of Technology in Madras will examine the dynamics of off- shore rigs in rough seas, while an

American colleague from Stevens

Institute of Technology in Ho- boken, N.J., will describe the fac- tors relating to movement in multi-propeller, semisubmersible (continued on page 19) ing rigs, as well as their operation.

H.G. Hattendorf and J. Oellers of the Hamburg Shipbuilding Re- search Establishment, together with M. Grallert and K. Kokki- nowrachos of the Rhenish-West- phalian Polytechnic in Aachen will explain the concept and lay- out of the test area for the re- search platform Nordsee. H.G.

Butt, J. Salewski, and P. Wagner will join the Aachen scientists in a report on major experiments with the Conapt drilling platform system in the test area of the


F.C. MacTernan of the Scripps

Institute of Oceanography in Cal- ifornia will present a paper on the work schedule of a deepsea drill- ing rig project. Two specialists from Deutsche Babcock AG will describe the development of a mo- bile platform for an offshore pow- er station in the German sector of the North Sea, while experts from the German hydraulic en- gineering firm Dyckerhoff & Wid- mann and the American Westing- house Electric Corporation will outline the design of an open- circuit OTEC power station for offshore use.

New German Drill Rig

The introduction of the new

German drilling rig RS 35 is ex- pected to arouse the interest and attention of experts all over the world. At Intermaritec '80, P.

Bauer and M. Brandt of Erno

Raumfahrttechnik, Bremen, will report on the drilling capacity and delivery output of this semi- submersible system that has been designed for deepsea operations.

Three experts from the Berlin

Polytechnic headed by Prof. C.

Kruppa will explain their tests with this German development by means of a demonstration model.

K.M. Gisvold of the Norwegian

Hydrodynamic Laboratories in

Trondheim will describe how mod- els of drilling rigs, production der- ricks, and other offshore installa- tions are used for testing pur- poses.

The underwater installation of offshore structural units in shal- low and deep coastal waters will be examined in a comprehensive joint survey by several experts from the Rhenish-Westphalian

Polytechnic in Aachen, IMS Ham- burg, and the Hamburg Shipbuild- ing Research Establishment. Ex- perts from Germany, Norway, and the U.S. will discuss special- ized questions connected with off- shore rigs, such as the monitoring of stability by means of vibration analysis, as well as checks of the piping and other parts of the drilling plant.

Operations in conjunction with the production of oil and gas will be a further topic within the field of offshore technology. On the ba- sis of their theoretical and ex- perimental know-how, specialists from Liquid Gas Anlagen Union

GmbH, Paguag, AG "Weser" ship- yard, and Preussag AG will pro- pose models and options for the transfer on the high seas of liq- uefied natural gas from produc- tion platforms to tankers. Ship- building experts from Blohm +

Voss will describe how butt-weld- ing techniques can be used to lay pipelines in extremely deep water, and a specialist from the U.S. oil company Conoco will report on deepsea drilling.

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