ISOPE 92 Scheduled For June 14-19, 1992 In San Francisco

The second annual International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (ISOPE) will be held in San Francisco, Calif., June 14-19, 1992.

This is a combined event with the second Pacific/ Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium (PACOMS).

One of the highlights of the conference will be the presentation of a superconducting electric ship propulsion system which is under development by Sumitomo Heavy Industries Ltd.

Some of the main conference topics include global offshore energy, Arctic and Antarctic technology, offshore mechanics, geotechnical engineering, superconducting materials, environmental issues, gas hydrates, offshore and ocean technology, Arctic and offshore pipelines, underwater welding, double-hull tanker design, ocean mining and wave energy and much more.

Information regarding the conference program, registration and accommodations is available from ISOPE, P.O. Box 1107, Golden, Colorado 80402-1107. Fax: (303)420-3760

Other stories from April 1992 issue


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