Medium Maritime Reporter 1994 Articles
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Maritime Reporter
on September 1994Midland Manufacturing Corp., makers of vapor recovery and alarm systems for the marine industry, appointed Gaston C. Barmore as director of technical services and Norman A. Magiera as manager of marine sales. Mr. Barmore will supervise the development of new products and technical support of c
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Maritime Reporter
on September 1994MarAd has received several section 9 applications. They include: • Neptune International, Inc., Grove Village, 111., has asked permission to sell the 39,700-gt tanker Montrachet. The proposed purchaser is Neter Navigation, S.A., for resale to M/S Kwality Steel Supplier of India. The vessel was
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Maritime Reporter
on September 1994• Sonsub was awarded a contract by McDermott Incorporated to assist in the installation of a platform for Oryx Energy in High Island 385A in the Gulf of Mexico. Sonsub will mobilize a 75-hp Triton Advanced Remotely Operated Work System (AROWS) and a Viper Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) to
- MarAd Approves Section 9 Requests page: 92
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Maritime Reporter
on September 1994• Penrod International Drilling Co., Broussard, La., received approval to sell the drill rig Ensco 67 to P & P Drilling Limited, a Bahamian corporation, and to transfer the vessel to Bahamian registry. • Corostel Trading Ltd., a Canadian corporation, was given permission to resell the cargo v
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Maritime Reporter
on September 1994Money raised by increasing duty on ships visiting U.S. ports The final piece of a comprehensive, bipartisan initiative authored by Rep. Gerry E. Studds(D-Mass.) to reform and revitalize the U.S. maritime industries was approved by a vote of 294 to 122 by the U.S. House of Representatives. P
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