Page 8: of Marine News Magazine (November 2013)
Fleet Optimization Roundtable
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The September hearing held by the House subcommittee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation centered on mari- time transportation regulations and their ultimate impact on safety, security, jobs and the environment. As various industry advocates used the public venue as a vehicle to vent and for elected ofÞ cials to call attention to various Ôrice bowlÕ agendas, the scope and breadth of the regulatory labyrinth being endured by the domestic maritime industry became fully evident. A primary focus of the meeting involved ongoing delays at DHS and the U.S. Coast Guard in getting regulations passed in a timely fashion. Indeed, U.S. Coast Guard Rear Admiral Joseph Servidio, Assistant Commandant for Prevention Policy, admitted to a backlog of some 68 projects (rulemaking efforts) that would still be in play by the end of this calendar year. Of particular interest to many was the proposed so-called subchapter ÒMÓ rule that will profoundly affect the inland towing industry, if and when a Þ nal rule ever gets passed. But, as MarineNews readers will soon discover, Subchapter ÒMÓ is just one of dozens of rulemaking efforts on the plate of the U.S. Coast Guard. And, after scrolling through the (complete, 68 item) and mind-numbing list below, youÕll discover why itÕs no wonder that it takes forever to get anything done: BY THE NUMBERSActive Regulatory Projects PhaseTitle (condensed descriptions) RINDocket 1FRNontank Vessel Response Plans 1625-AB27 2008-1070 2FR2013 46 CFR Technical Amendments 3ANPRMSafety Management System Requirements (OCS) 1625-AC05 4FRBulk Packaging: Allow for Transfer of Hazardous Liquid Cargoes 1625-AB63 2011-0088 5FRSeagoing Barges 1625-AC03 2011-0363 6NPRMVessel Traf Þ c Service Updates, Various (TX, WA) 1625-AB81 7IRDouble Hull Tanker Escorts - Prince William Sound Alaska 1625-AB96 2012-0975 8NPRMPersonal Flotation Devices Labeling and Standards 1625-AC02 9NPRMGreat Lake Pilotage Rates / 2014 Annual Review & Adjustment 1625-AB89 2013-0534 10NPRMLifesa ving Devices on Uninspected Vessels 1625-AB83 11FRMarine Vapor Control Systems 1625-AB37 1999-5150 12IRReg. Nav. Area- Bars Along the coasts of OR & WA 1625-AC01 2013-0216 13FR33 CFR Tech Amendments 1625-AC08 2013-0671 14NPRMCommercial Diving Operations 1625-AA21 1998-3786 15NPRMInstallation/Use of Engine Cut-off Switc hes (Recreational Boats)1625-AB34 1998-3786 16FRLetters of Recommendation for LNG / LHG Waterfront Facilities 1625-AA21 1998-3786 17NPRMHigher Volume Port Area?State of Washington 1625-AB75 2011-0576 18SNPRMClaims Procedures under the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 1625-AA03 2004-17697 19NPRMVessel Security Of Þ cer Training & Certi Þ cation for STCW1625-AB26 2008-0028 20NPRMUpdates to Standards Incorporated by Reference 1625-AB98 2012-0866 21NOICommercial Fishing Industry Vessels 1625-AA77 2003-16158 22SNPRMOuter Continental Shelf Activities 1625-AA18 1988-3868 23SNPRMCargo Securing on Vessels Operating in U.S. Waters 1625-AA25 2000-7080 24NPRMConsolidated Cruise Ship Regulations 1625-AB30 25NPRMAssessment Framework for Preemption for Certain Regulations 1625-AB32 26NPRMUpdates to Maritime Security 1625-AB38 27NPRMRe vision of Coast Guard Auxiliary Regulations 1625-AB66 28NPRMBallast Water Management Reporting and Recordkeeping 1625-AB68 2012-0924 29NPRMTonnage Regulations Amendments 1625-AB74 30NPRMRevision of Crane Standards: MODU, OSV & and Floating OCSFs 1625-AB78 31NPRMCruise Vessel Security and Safety Act of 2010: Implementation 1625-AB91 32NPRMElectrical Equipment in Hazardous Locations 1625-AC00 33NPRMPersonal Flotation Devices Labeling and Standards 1625-AC02 2013-0263 8 MNNovember 2013MN November2013 Layout 1-17.indd 8MN November2013 Layout 1-17.indd 810/28/2013 3:11:50 PM10/28/2013 3:11:50 PM