Page 57: of Marine News Magazine (June 2015)
Combat & Patrol Craft Annual
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Hinshaw & Cullbertson LLP
SCA Anderson Pace BoothSchultzBarilovits ing. Mr. Manley brings over 20 years $900,000. Eligible applicants include of experience in the marine technology vessel owners, operators or sponsors of sector including roles at Massachusetts U.S.-? ag vessels operating on inland,
Institute of Technology (MIT) and coastal waterways or the Great Lakes. with the National Oceanic and Atmo- Awardees will be expected to com- spheric Administration (NOAA). plete a natural gas conversion on an existing vessel and measure/document
Lakers Pays High Price for pre- and post-conversion emissions struction Services to industry. Marty
Thick Lakes Ice and other operational characteristics.
Anderson founded Alaska Technical
Cargo movement in U.S.-? ag Great
For more information, click:
Services in 2005. He began his career Lakes freighters in March fell to its low- http://www.grants.gov/view-oppor- as an inspector in 1990 and has since est level since 2009. Shipments totaled tunity.html?oppId=275685 acquired certi? cations in a variety of 825,000 tons, a decrease of 60 percent training and inspection procedures.
compared to the month’s 5-year average.
DOJ Clears Acquisition of
Horizon Lines’ Hawaii Business
Another brutal winter, coupled with ca-
Hinshaw & Culbertson sualties to U.S. and Canadian icebreak- Horizon Lines reported that, after
Establishes Maritime Practice ers, slowed the resumption of navigation. a review by the Antitrust Division of
Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP has ex-
Only 26 U.S.-? ag lakers were in service the Department of Justice, Horizon’s panded its San Francisco of? ce with the on April 1. In some years, nearly 50 hulls proposed sales transaction with The addition of Forrest Booth as a Partner, are underway by that date. Iron ore felt Pasha Group has been granted early
Pamela Schultz as a Partner, Phillip the brunt of the delays. Loadings totaled termination of the premerger waiting
Barilovits as Senior Counsel and Brad- just 535,000 tons, a decrease of 66 per- period. Subject to the satisfaction of ley Pace as an Associate. The new group cent compared to the month’s 5-year any remaining conditions to closing, launches the ? rm’s formal Maritime average. Lake Carriers’ Association has Horizon expects the closing of the practice. Booth focuses his practice on called on the U.S. government to build transaction to occur before the end of insurance and reinsurance with empha- another heavy icebreaker to pair with the company’s second quarter.
sis on admiralty and maritime claims. the MACKINAW and assign another
Schultz is Vice-Chair of Admiralty and 140-foot-long icebreaking tug to the
Caterpillar Acquires ESRG
Maritime Committee and the Maritime Lakes while the 140s already stationed
Caterpillar Marine has completed
Law Association of the United States. here are rotated to the Coast Guard yard the acquisition of ESRG Technologies
Barilovits represents clients in both state in Baltimore for service life extension.
Group, LLC, a provider of vessel mon- and federal court and before regulatory itoring and data analytics for the ma- agencies. Pace focuses his practice in in-
MARAD offers grants for rine industry. The acquisition includes surance services, with particular empha-
LNG conversion
ESRG’s comprehensive software suite sis in maritime and aviation law. The U.S. Maritime Administra- for the remote monitoring and diag- tion (MARAD) issued a request for nostics of more than 65 on-board sys-
JMS Appoints Manley VP, proposals for projects focusing on tems as well as the expertise to provide
Business Development vessel conversion to natural gas in an meaningful recommendations to ship
Justin Manley has joined Juliet Ma- effort to measure changes in emis- owners to help increase ef? ciency, re- rine Systems (JMS) as Vice President sions before and after conversion. The duce downtime and assist shipyards in of Business Development and Market- total amount of funding available is reducing warranty expenses. 57 www.marinelink.com MN