Page 53: of Marine News Magazine (October 2015)
Salvage & Spill Response
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Dauchy Sheklin Goley Warrick Edgar Fanguy Jaenichen from Northwestern University’s Kel- tecture and marine engineering con- said Maritime Administrator Paul logg Graduate School of Management. sultancy, announces the completion of ‘Chip’ Jaenichen. MARAD partnered their acquisition of Noise Control En- with Sandia National Laboratories of
Seafarers’ House Warrick gineering, LLC (NCE). “For over 55 the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE),
Recognized by Broward years, Glosten has grown carefully, re- which will lead the research effort.
Foundation sponding to the unique and challeng-
Lesley Warrick, Executive Director of ing needs of our clients,” remarked
Wunderman Appointed to
Seafarers’ House at Port Everglades, Glosten President Jay Edgar. NCE
WETA Board has been selected to receive Leadership President and founder Ray Fischer James Wunderman has been named
Broward Foundation’s 2015 Special added, “We are very excited for the to the Water Emergency Transporta-
Recognition Award at the organiza- two companies to come together. We tion Authority (WETA) Board of Di- tion’s upcoming Pro? les in Leadership have collaborated with Glosten for rectors. Wunderman, President and
Gala. The award is designed to recog- over 20 years on many fascinating CEO of the Bay Area Council since nize the achievements of individuals projects.” Noise Control Engineering, 2004, is a visiting professor at the UC who have distinguished themselves as LLC, which will continue to oper- Davis Graduate School of Manage- leaders in their industry and who have ate under that name, is now a wholly ment. A graduate of San Francisco used their leadership to enrich the owned subsidiary of Glosten, Inc. State University, majoring in political community. Ms. Warrick has served science, he received an Associate’s De- as Seafarers’ House executive director gree in Business Administration from
Marad Antes $500,000 for since April 2006, during which time Kingsborough College. San Francisco
Hydrogen Fuel Tech Study the nonpro? t organization has been The U.S. Department of Transpor- Bay Ferry is a service of WETA. honored on many occasions. tation’s Maritime Administration
Boating Industry Leaders (MARAD) announced that it provided
SAFE Boats International Inducted into NMMA Hall $500,000 to support a feasibility study
Appoints Goley Business of Fame for the design, construction, and op-
Development Director eration of a high-speed passenger ferry The recreational boating industry rec-
Rob Goley has been named Business powered by hydrogen fuel cell technol- ognized two leaders this year with the
Development Director – U.S. Federal ogy and a hydrogen refueling station. National Marine Manufacturers As-
Programs at SAFE Boats Internation- The fuel cell would provide power for sociation’s (NMMA) highest honor. al. Rob comes to SBI as a recently re- the ferry’s propulsion and auxiliary elec- Bob Long, chief executive of? cer and red 20-year veteran of the U.S. Coast trical systems, while the hydrogen refu- owner of JRL Ventures, Inc. and Ma-
Guard (USCG). He also serves as the eling station – which would be the larg- rine Concepts, and Dusty McCoy, national secretary for the Maritime Pro- est in the world – would service ferries, chairman and chief executive of? cer fessional Responders and Of? cers, the electric cars, buses and ? eet vehicles, of Brunswick Corporation, will be only national organization dedicated to and other maritime vessels powered by recognized for their achievements and the maritime public safety professional. fuel cells. “This study is just one more contributions to industry. Long has way in which MARAD is working to spent 45 years in the marine indus-
Glosten Acquires Noise ? nd new and ef? cient technologies for try, including time spent at the helm
Control Engineering, LLC use in the maritime industry that offer of Starcraft, Crestliner, and Wellcraft
Glosten, a Seattle-based naval archi- clean-fuel options to cut emissions,” Marine. Under McCoy’s steady hand, www.marinelink.com MN 53
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