Page 54: of Marine News Magazine (April 2016)
Boatbuilding: Construction & Repair
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Everett Parsons Carpenter Allegretti San Jacinto College
VGM) container weight requirements -
Subchapter M Rule Grand Opening of the and expressing a common preference for
Enters Final Stage of Maritime Technology and a digital approach to VGM compliance.
Administration Review Training Center
The Subchapter M rulemaking pack- With the cut of a ribbon and ring of
Trojan Battery Appoints age, signed by Homeland Security a bell, San Jacinto College marked
Everett SVP of Engineering
Secretary Jeh Johnson, was accepted the grand opening of the new Mari-
Trojan Battery Company has named by the White House Of? ce of Man- time Technology and Training Center
Michael Everett senior vice president agement and Budget for review on on the Maritime Campus on March of engineering. Everett oversees the February 16. The OMB review is the 8, 2016. The Center is located next company’s product development, re- ? nal stage in the Administration re- to a turning basin along the Port of search and development, process engi- view process and takes approximately Houston at 3700 Old Highway 146 neering, technical support and various 90 days, meaning that the long-await- in La Porte, Texas – the ideal loca- other analytical responsibilities for the ed rule establishing an inspection tion for students training to enter the company’s worldwide engineering regime for towing vessels will likely maritime industry, and for current strategies. Everett earned a Bachelor be published in the Federal Register mariners upgrading their U.S. Coast of Science degree in mechanical engi- before the end of the second quarter. Guard certi? cations. Texas ranks neering from California Polytechnic “For over a decade, AWO has strongly third in the nation for all domestic
State University, San Luis Obispo, supported the Coast Guard as it has maritime industry jobs, according and Bachelor of Arts degrees in geol- worked to develop a towing vessel in- to a PricewaterhouseCoopers Study ogy and zoology from the University spection regime. We are very pleased released by the American Maritime of Vermont in Burlington, Vermont.
that the end of the road to Subchap- Partnership. However, more than half ter M is in sight now that the rule of the industry’s workforce is reaching
FMC Commissioner Doyle is under review at the White House retirement age. This is why San Jacin-
Of? ce of Management and Bud- to College began offering its maritime
Welcomes New Counsel
The Federal Maritime commission has get,” AWO Executive Vice President training in 2010, which led to the cre- announced that Patrick W. Parsons & Chief Operating Of? cer Jennifer ation of the Maritime Technology and has Commissioner William P. Doyle’s Carpenter said, hailing the recent Training Center.
of? ce to serve as Counsel. Patrick is development. Thomas A. Allegretti, a 2015 graduate of American Uni- AWO President & Chief Executive
HudsonAnalytix Becomes versity’s Washington College of Law. Of? cer added, “The rule will raise
First U.S. Green Award
While in law school, he clerked in my safety standards throughout the tug-
Incentive Provider
Doyle’s of? ce for two semesters and boat, towboat and barge industry, in-
HudsonAnalytix, an international later worked for the Department of corporating and building on the safe- the Treasury’s Of? ce of the Inspector guards that quality companies have marine risk management consultancy, has become the ? rst U.S. company
General as a legal assistant, and after already put in place and ensuring that to be named an Incentive Provider being admitted to the West Virginia all towing vessels achieve a minimum for the international Green Award. threshold of safety that is necessary The Green Award Foundation certi-
State Bar, he was converted to the po- sition of Attorney Advisor there. Prior to protect lives, the environment and ? es maritime shipping companies and to law school, Patrick graduated from property. We urge OMB to review the vessels that exceed legally required
West Virginia University. rule expeditiously.”
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