Page 12: of Marine News Magazine (September 2016)
Offshore Annual
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Metairie, Louisiana, he remains both geographically and strategically close to the constituency that he serves today.
Concurrent – but separate from his OSVDPA responsi- bilities – Smith also serves (since October of 2015) as Pres- ident & CEO of the Offshore Marine Service Association (OMSA). The two roles complement one another, with similar and sometimes overlapping membership and stake- holders. Incorporated as a nonpro? t, OSVDPA seeks to improve the safety of the maritime industry by improving
Aaron Smith the quality and quantity of certi? ed DPOs. OMSA is the leading association of and spokesman for the offshore ma-
President and CEO, rine transportation service industry in the United States.
Offshore Marine Service
OMSA proactively fosters, develops and promotes ideas that advance the common good and the interests of its
Association (OMSA) members with governmental and regulatory bodies across the globe. Representing more than 225 member compa-
Executive Director, nies, including approximately 100 ? rms that own and op- erate marine service vessels, OMSA also seeks to encourage
OSVDPA and advance the highest standards of safety and environ- mental protection among its member companies. Listen in s the Executive Director for the Offshore Supply this month as Aaron Smith zeroes in on the offshore sector
Vessel Dynamic Positioning Authority (OSVDPA), and the issues important to those stakeholders. Arguably,
Aaron Smith is charged with managing the day-to-
A no one else today is in better position to do so.
day operation of the Authority. Along with the OSVD-
PA Board of Directors and Technical Advisory Council
What’s the number one thing on your plate when (TAC), Aaron has helped to craft the Authority’s dynamic wearing the hat of OMSA’s President? Why, and what are you doing about it?
positioning operator (DPO) certi? cation program. This
Without question, the downturn in the market makes includes ensuring that the program is ultimately accepted by the offshore energy industry, and its many international everything more dif? cult. It makes normally small issues seem like big challenges, and big challenges seem monu- and domestic counterparts.
Prior to joining OSVDPA, Aaron was the Deputy mental. From the Jones Act to regulatory response, to state
Chief of Staff and Legislative Director for Congressman taxes, to even the administration of our association. Un-
Jeff Landry (LA-03). In this role, Aaron was responsible fortunately, OMSA can’t in? uence the price of oil, so we for developing strategies to turn the Congressman’s vision can’t address this challenge, but we can help our members into legislative victories. In addition to assisting with the try to cope with its effects. Thus, things are business as
Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act of 2012, usual; the great team at OMSA is striving to provide an increased service to our members during this trying time.
Aaron also drafted and secured House-passage of legisla- tion increasing Louisiana’s share of offshore royalties and We’ve added a new conference to our annual schedule; we ensuring offshore wind farms must comply with the Jones created a new membership category, increased communi-
Act. Prior to joining Congressman Landry’s of? ce, Aaron cation with our members, are becoming involved in new issues, and are watching every dollar we spend. As a result, served in similar capacities for former Congressmen Ken- ny Hulshof (MO-09) and Henry Brown (SC-01) as well OMSA will come out the other side of this downturn as a as current Congressman Aaron Schock (IL-18). Based in stronger organization.
September 2016 12
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