Page 24: of Marine News Magazine (September 2016)
Offshore Annual
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Navigating interesting times has the nation’s shipbuilding industry searching in unusual places.
The answers could be blowing in the wind.
By Joe Hudspeth
Conducting commerce and forecast- segments of the marine industry. The ferry market from ing the future for shipyards is akin to set- coast-to-coast seems to be robust, providing opportunities ting out in uncharted waters. For some, for many yards nationwide, including those in the Gulf. the voyage might prove to be easy sail- Conrad Shipyard, for example, has been busy with the recent ing with favorable winds. Other times, delivery of a 235’new car and passenger ferry for the Woods it can be a rough ride, forcing long and Hole Steamship Authority. Separately, Horizon Shipbuilding unprogressive diversions. In the worst and Metal Shark have won awards to deliver up to 19 alu- cases, one might run aground temporar- minum catamaran passenger ferries to support Hornblower’s ily, hit rock bottom, capsize belly up, or new contract with Citywide Ferry Service in New York.
Hudspeth be forced to turn around and give up. Beyond this, Metal Shark is venturing outside of their
Just as the most skilled sailors know how to watch for and core market of smaller military craft and Horizon is shift- navigate storms, America’s shipyards have also proven to remain ing focus from the large steel offshore support vessels that ? uid and adaptive to the winds of change and current trends. they are most typically known for. This project will prove
The disappointing pull back of drilling efforts in the Arctic and to be one of the most ambitious in recent years and if ex- poor market conditions for the American Gulf of Mexico has ecuted successfully could demonstrate a turning point for collectively created a precarious environment for several of our the industry. Diversi? cation seems to be the key.
nation’s yards. Fortunately, many of the most heavily impacted yards appear to be on the right tack to ride out the storm, many W C
INDS OF HANGE through diversi? cation of their work portfolios. Those affected most by the slow running oil patch may soon see the idle period end. One place where relief may
A A be waiting is in America’s new offshore wind farms. The
The low oil prices that, in part, caused things in the Gulf ? rst offshore wind farm is nearly complete and the very to dry up are also among the factors of safety, environmental, ? rst turbine has been installed. While the initial farm of 5 and political concerns that have cast a dim shadow on any turbines is relatively small, many other large scale farms are polar promise. West Coast shipyard giant, Vigor Industrial, in the development stage. The obstacles mounted against built a large infrastructure in part to provide key support for the realization of domestic, marine-based wind have been the Arctic oil and gas offshore trade. Without any de? nite substantial. One such issue involves the lack of domestic, future plans for oil companies to make a go again in the Jones Act eligible support vessel infrastructure.
northern circle, Vigor has nevertheless been able focus their While many underutilized vessels from the Gulf could efforts on their repair business and towards ferry construc- be redeployed to the coastal farms planned for the eastern tion projects, which has kept their many yard locations busy. seaboard, the move would only be interim and temporary.
Vigor is currently constructing several car ferries for Barrel prices are sure to rise and the oil rigs will soon be
Washington State Ferries, two car daytrip ferries for Alaska back at work, beckoning high demands for crew boats,
Marine Highway System, and a couple of passenger ferries supply boats, barges, and tugs. While there is some overlap for California’s San Francisco Bay Ferry overseen by the in required capabilities, the use of gulf-type crafts – not
Water Emergency Transportation Authority. Beyond that, built-for-purpose hulls – should only ? ll in while purpose- key acquisitions of smaller yards have opened up markets built wind support vessels can be custom designed and in other sectors for this West Coast giant that have mark- constructed. And, that’s already happening.
edly diversi? ed and brightened this builder’s portfolio.
M M Conventional wisdom holds that increased competition
Gulf builders have faced an even tougher obstacle in re- is good for the market. For example, when the offshore directing their capabilities to other unaffected and growing industry keeps industry in full production, domestic ship-
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