Page 34: of Marine News Magazine (September 2016)
Offshore Annual
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OFFSHORE TRENDS ? eet of mobile learning platforms capable of ful? lling mul- serve the needs of various commercial entities.
tiple purposes and industrial missions. If developed prop- • Environmental Response – Fleet vessels can serve as erly such a ? eet can serve the greater marine industry as an agile line of response in the event of an environmental training facilities and commercial assets all while providing disaster. The Multi-Mission Fleet can act in the capacity of a mobile and adaptable tool for the Nation’s defense needs. an Oil Spill Response Organization (OSRO) with vessels
In addition to its primary mission of educating, training, located around the U.S. OCS and even in the Great Lakes and developing maritime personnel, collaborative efforts providing a quick primary response.
may include: • Academic Institutions – Learning institutions outside • National Defense & Emergency Response – Fleet ves- of Maritime Academies can likewise bene? t from the edu- sels would serve the Department of Defense as supply vessels cation and research facilities provided by the ? eet. Services carrying military cargo and/or performing specialized op- may be provided through agreement between institutions, erations for the U.S. Military. the government, or whatever form the ? eet management or- • Humanitarian Missions – The Multi-Mission Mari- ganization may take.
time Education Fleet can serve not only as a means of projecting U.S. power but also promoting the Nation’s hu-
Commercial & Political Challenges manitarian capabilities in times of crisis. Vessels and man- Creating and developing a Multi-Mission Maritime Edu- agement resources may be used for the purpose of supporting cation Fleet will require the support of a multitude of stake- operations around the globe. holders inside and outside of the industry. Moreover, it will • Commercial Entities – The proposed ? eet of vessels take a perspective that realizes the maritime industry is at a would continue to serve a variety of commercial purposes critical juncture from which the evolution of the industry depending on original industrial missions, comprising an will be determined.
array of services to the offshore industry and continuing to Despite the decline in U.S. deep water shipping, the acad-
Photo: Derek Frampton
September 2016
MN 34
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