Page 52: of Marine News Magazine (September 2016)
Offshore Annual
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Gibbs & Cox Names
New Executives
Bradshaw Laheij Bleiberg Bruun
TEL GmbH, assuming the respon-
IMCA Appoints Policy & sibilities of Dr. Jens-Erk Bartels, who
Regulatory Affairs Manager
The International Marine Contractors is retiring. Laheij earned a degree in
Association (IMCA) has appointed Business Administration and began his
John Bradshaw as Policy and Regula- career with Lips BV in the Asia/Paci? c
ApplequistDeegan tory Affairs Manager. He will develop region. Upon his return to the Neth- and deliver the international trade asso- erlands and following the takeover by
Gibbs & Cox has announced ciation’s policy and regulatory strategy, Finnish competitor Wärtsilä, he even- the appointment of Chris Deegan including representing members with tually was named Area Sales Director as President and Chief Executive, regulators and other third parties. John for the Middle East & Asia region. effective immediately. Deegan pre- joined the IMCA Secretariat as a Tech- viously served as Vice President of
KVH Names Bruun COO
G&C’s Engineering Group. Sepa- nical Adviser in 2015. This followed rately, Jonathan Applequist has four years at Lloyd’s Register as Principal KVH Industries announced that Brent been named Vice President and Technical Specialist and a career at sea. Bruun has been promoted to the posi-
Group Manager of the Gibbs & tion of chief operating of? cer (COO).
Cox (G&C) Maritime Services
Bruun joined KVH in 2008, and has
ABS Employee Recognized for
Group (MSG). MSG provides na- served as executive vice president of
Gas Development Leadership val architecture, marine engineer-
ABS announced that the United the mobile broadband group. Bruun ing and design services to a broad
States Coast Guard (USCG) has was previously senior vice president range of government clients includ- awarded Roy Bleiberg, Vice President with satellite operator SES Americom, ing the U.S. Navy, U.S. Army and of Engineering for ABS Americas, the and before that, held positions with
Missile Defense Agency. Appleq-
USCG Meritorious Public Service both GE Capital and KPMG.
uist holds a bachelor’s of science
Award. The award is the second-high- in Ocean Engineering from Texas
Volvo Penta names New est public service award presented by
A&M University. He is a licensed
Americas Sales Director
Professional Engineer in the State the USCG to civilians who provide of Virginia and a certi? ed Project substantial contributions that results Volvo Penta of the Americas has an-
Management Professional. Deegan in advancement of the Coast Guard’s nounced that Dave Brown has joined replaces Rick Biben, who will re- mission and bene? t the general pub- the company as director of com- main on the G&C Board of Di- lic. Bleiberg’s notable achievements at mercial marine sales. Prior to join- rectors. Mr. Deegan spent nearly
ABS include successfully advocating ing Volvo Penta, Brown was national 28 years in the Navy’s acquisition for the safe design and operation of sales director for Chemring Sensors and cost engineering communities, leading nuclear submarine, ship multiple novel maritime gas projects and Electronic Systems. He has also and technologies, training USCG and held senior sales positions with Mine and combat systems programs prior supporting the USCG and other or- Safety Appliances, Airgas Safety and to joining Gibbs & Cox in 2013. ganizations in developing gas regula- Clean Harbors Environmental Ser-
Deegan earned a Bachelor’s of Sci- tions, standards, and policies. vice Company. He spent ? ve years ence in Industrial Engineering from with the U.S. Coast Guard. Brown
Penn State University, and a Mas- ter’s of Science in Engineering from earned a Bachelor of Arts in Environ-
Laheij is VP at SCHOTTEL the Catholic University of America. Hans Laheij has been named Vice Pres- mental Science at the University of ident Sales & Marketing at SCHOT- North Carolina.
September 2016
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