Page 52: of Marine News Magazine (October 2018)
Autonomous Workboats
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Beale BallardKumar & BoltonMartinVuong of the Training Ship Golden Bear
USMMA names Academic
Wednesday at California State Univer-
Dean and Provost
The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy sity Maritime Academy. Bolton, a 1978 at Kings Point (USMMA) announced graduate of the Academy, returned to that John R. Ballard, Ph.D., has been Cal Maritime on May 1, 2008 after a named the new Academic Dean and 30-year career with American Mari-
David Welch,
Provost at the federal service academy. time Of? cers. Dr. Shashi Kumar, the former Stone Energy CEO
Ballard will serve as the chief academic Maritime Administration’s deputy as- and past NOIA Chairman of? cer and principal advisor to the Su- sociate administrator and national co- perintendent, as well as co-chairing the ordinator for maritime education and
David Hinson Welch, former educational priority working group training bestowed Bolton with the
Chairman, President and CEO for the recently released USMMA stra- rank of Commodore. Veteran faculty of Stone Energy, passed away on tegic plan. Ballard is a published au- member Captain Sam Pecota is the
August 14, 2018. Prior to join- thor and a graduate of the U.S. Naval new master of the Golden Bear.
ing Stone in 2004, David held
Academy, California State University, executive positions with Amoco
MarineCFO’s Martin Earns
Dominquez Hills and The Catholic and later BP, including Director
SubM Auditor Status
University of America (Ph.D.). of Strategic Planning, President of
MarineCFO’s Laura Martin, VP of the Amoco Gulf Group, Sr. VP of
Sales & Client Relations, has earned her
HII Appoints Beale as VP
BP North America and President certi? cation as a SubChapter M and
Trades at Newport News of BP Alaska Canada Gas. He also
ISM Lead Auditor. Through a week-
Shipbuilding spent 5 years with the US Geologi-
Huntington Ingalls Industries an- long course led by Decatur Marine, cal Survey and one as an adjunct nounced the promotion of Xavier Beale Laura got an in-depth review of Sub- professor at Tulane University in to vice president of trades at the compa- chapter M and ISM regulations, and the graduate school. David got his ny’s Newport News Shipbuilding divi- full orientation into what the US Coast
Doctorate in Chemical Engineer- sion. Beale, who most recently served as Guard and ISO are expecting when a ing and Finance at Tulane Univer- director of human resources operations, vessel is audited to meet these standards. sity, and Post Doctorate Business will be responsible for production trades, degree at Harvard University. He
Port of Oakland appoints trades management, trades administra- testi? ed on multiple occasions
Principal Engineer tion and The Apprentice School. Beale before the US Senate on energy began his career at Newport News in The Port of Oakland has promoted related issues. David also served 1991 as a pipe? tter. Beale earned a mas- Thanh Vuong to Principal Engineer on the Board of Directors of Ibe- ter’s degree in human resources from in the Maritime Project Design and ria Bank Corp., Chairman of the
Troy University and bachelor’s degree Delivery Department. Vuong will
Board of Amicus Oil and Gas, past in governmental administration from oversee dredging and crane-related
Chairman of the Offshore Energy
Christopher Newport University. work as well as construction, mainte-
Center, trustee of the National nance and compliance activities. Vu-
Conservancy, and past President ong has worked at the Port for eight
Change of Command for of the National Ocean Industries years, previously holding the position
CMA’s T/S Golden Bear
Association (NOIA).
After 10 years at the helm, Harry of Supervising Engineer. Prior to the
Bolton has handed over command Port, he worked for Caltrans. He re-
October 2018
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