Page 54: of Marine News Magazine (October 2018)
Autonomous Workboats
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Admiral of the Ocean Sea Awards 2018 Connie Award
WilsonSchleicher BrunoDoell Fitzgerald Cudós FanbergBuzbyLiebherr USA Headquarters for acts of bravery and heroism at sea. ford, MA. Glosten’s expansion to the ropolitan Manila. The Metropolitan
Proceeds from the AOTOS event ben- East Coast is in response to increas- Manila Development Authority over- e? t USS community services for sea- ing regional client demand and op- sees the operation of a passenger ser- farers of all nations, and the U.S. gov- portunities. “In our 60th year serving vice on the Pasig River around which ernment and military. the marine industry, we’re reminded the city was originally built and is plan- that our ability to endure is based on ning a major new upgrade in coordina-
Cudós named MD of building strong relationships,” said tion with effective efforts to clean the
SENER group
Glosten President Morgan Fanberg. river. For more information about the
Engineering and technology group “This expansion enables us to provide contest, visit www.ferrysafety.org.
SENER has appointed Jorge Send- our East Coast-based clients and part- agorta Cudós to be head of the En- ners with the level of service and at-
Marad Announces $20 Mil- lion in U.S. Shipyard Grants gineering and Construction area. He tention they deserve.” was previously the Country Man- The U.S. Department of Transpor- ager of SENER in Mexico. He joined tation’s Maritime Administration
Marad to Open ‘Gateway’
SENER in October 2012. (MARAD) has awarded more than
Of? ce in Paducah, KY
U.S. Secretary of Transportation $20 million in grants to support capi-
Wilson to Receive Connie
Elaine L. Chao announced that the tal improvements at 29 U.S. small
Award; Schleicher a Life-
Maritime Administration will establish shipyards as a part of its Small Ship- time Achievement Honor a dedicated Gateway of? ce in Paducah, yard Grant program. MARAD’s Small
Michael Wilson, SVP of Business KY. Gateway of? ces provide assistance Shipyard grant funding supports capi-
Operations for Hamburg Sud North to public ports and state and local of- tal improvements that foster increased
America, will receive the 2018 Connie ? cials, addressing transportation con- ef? ciency and economic growth.
Award presented by the Containeriza- gestion relief and improving freight Small shipyards must have less than tion and Intermodal Institute. Roy and passenger movement. “The Pa- 1,200 production employees to be
Schleicher, who retired recently as ducah-McCracken County Riverport eligible for grant awards. “By support-
EVP and Chief Commercial Of? cer is a multi-modal center, with waterway, ing small shipyards, we are investing of the Port of Jacksonville, will be pre- rail, and road connections, and with in the maritime infrastructure of the sented with the Lifetime Achievement this level of maritime activity, it makes country,” said Maritime Adminis-
Award. Wilson has more than 39 years sense to place a Gateway of? ce in Pa- trator Mark H. Buzby. Since 2008, of experience with many ? rms, in- ducah,” said Secretary Chao. MARAD MARAD’s Small Shipyard Grant Pro- cluding United States Lines, Crowley has nine other Gateway of? ces in prox- gram has awarded over $183 million
Maritime, United Arab Shipping and imity to the nation’s largest ports. to more than 180 shipyards.
Atlantic Container Line. Schleicher has more than 40 years of experience
WFSA’s Sixth Annual Liebherr USA Celebrates in the maritime industry, including
Design Contest Underway Groundbreaking of VA HQ service at the Port of Baltimore and The Worldwide Ferry Safety Associa- Members of the Liebherr family, Ex- the Maryland Port Administration. tion (WFSA) has announced its sixth ecutive Management and Newport annual international student design News city of? cials gathered in late
Glosten Opens East Coast Office competition for a safe affordable ferry, July for a groundbreaking ceremony
Glosten announced the opening of seeking designs for a passenger vessel to to celebrate the construction of the their East Coast of? ce in New Bed- traverse the iconic Pasig River of Met- new Liebherr USA headquarters in
October 2018
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