Page 8: of Marine News Magazine (August 2019)
MN 100 Market Leaders
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MN100 you might otherwise think. The Apprentice School accepts about 225 apprentices per year. The school offers four- to eight-year, tuition-free apprenticeships in 19 trades and eight optional advanced programs. Over the last 100 years, The Apprentice School has produced more than 10,800 graduates who have designed and built ships for the U.S. Navy. Today, the school cur- rently enrolls 850 students. “The Apprentice School is one of our national treasures,” said Lati- tia D. McCane, director of education at The Apprentice School. She’s right. For these reasons and many others, The Apprentice School is the perfect embodiment of what it takes to make the MN100. That also translates to staying power.
Also in this edition, industry heavyweights such as Metal Shark Co-Owner and CEO Chris
Allard and Admiral Karl Schultz, Commandant of the United States Coast Guard remind us that leadership is a key component of staying power on the water. As the most visible icons of the dynamic organizations that they lead, both men will modestly tell you that success is de- ? ned by a team effort, with the entire crew pulling in the same direction towards a lofty goal.
Nevertheless, their individual stories provide real insight into why they are both prominently featured in this edition.
Perhaps the only ‘constant’ on the North American shallow draft waterfront is ‘change’ it- self. Those who roll with the punches, change and adapt to shifting marine requirements, will always come out on top. We believe that the increasingly wider range of ? rms competing in the MarineNews markets is ample proof of the total market itself. This annual task, without a doubt, is a valuable exercise, immersing me deeper into the industry that I serve. As I rank scores of entries from every niche of the marine industry, some might ? nd that to be tedious. To the contrary, this is something which ultimately provides a better understanding of the markets.
Just as importantly – perhaps as much or more for you as it is for the MarineNews editorial team – this also the time of year that we assemble the Editorial Calendars that guide the direc- tion of our coverage in the year to come. The MN100 list has always helped to provide the course correction that allows me to provide more meaningful and up-to-date analysis for our market-leading BPA audited readership.
‘On the Waterfront’ was a relatively low budget ? lm, and unlike some of our long tenured,
MN100 marine ? rms, it was shot on location in just over 36 days. You and your team have been around a lot longer than that. And yet, the ? lm’s somewhat depressing message transcends its waterfront setting, serving to remind us that it isn’t always easy on the waterfront. But, this year’s
MN100 winners know what it takes to make it, on the waterfront. It’s called ‘Staying Power.’
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Joseph Keefe, Editor,
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August 2019 8 MN