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A New Era and patience. tion manager identi? es the right experts and team to meet

Today, the vessel construction management (VCM) the design speci? cations for the customer – in this case the model presents a common-sense, ef? cient approach to US government.

building new non-combatant ships for the Navy, Coast With VCM, the government identi? es vessel require-

Guard and other U.S. institutions such as our country’s ments and empowers the vessel construction manager to maritime training academies. VCM is designed to utilize execute the contract based on best commercial practices. best practices in commercial shipbuilding for the bene? t of This arrangement – as seen with the National Security new government shipbuilding programs. Together, private Multi-Mission Vessel (NSMV) construction program sector innovators and public sector leaders can maintain currently in progress at TOTE Services – has many ben- and build on this country’s strong maritime history. e? ts including:

Conceptually, the VCM model is similar to hiring a • Providing the government with one point of general contractor to build a home. The vessel construc- contact, the VCM;

Philly Shipyard 24 | MN June 2024

Marine News

Marine News is the premier magazine of the North American Inland, coastal and Offshore workboat markets.