Page 35: of Marine News Magazine (June 2024)

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Patrol Craft technologies, and their acquisition processes can be sup- push it together.” pressive to innovation. “There’s nothing innovative going AIME’s ? rst fruit came relatively quickly. Dubbed Proj- on there,” he said. “So, we’re pushing them to innovate.” ect Perfect Storm, the OCM-led initiative brought together

AIME is an attempt to break the mold. “AIME is about companies such as Ullman Dynamics, Porta Performance bringing the best of the industry together with people that Products, Skydex, Military Systems Group, Livorsi Marine, are forward thinkers—people that want to push the evolu- Hefring Marine, Structural Composites, TMS Group, To- tion,” Nouhra said. “It’s a lot of knowledge-sharing with talSim, Diverse Dimensions and SEA-IT, to produce the people that, with an open heart, are willing to give the state-of-the-art 11.5-meter Offshore Interceptor.

knowledge for the industry to bene? t. And we want to all Constructed in aluminum, the boat’s hull offers excel- MN 35|

Marine News

Marine News is the premier magazine of the North American Inland, coastal and Offshore workboat markets.