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Marine News June 2024 Volume 35 Number 6

Marine News (ISSN#1087-3864) (USPS#013-952)

Editor’s Note

New York: 118 E. 25th St., New York, NY 10010 tel: (212) 477-6700; fax: (212) 254-6271

Patrol craft are the fastest moving vessels we cover in the pages of Marine News. But

CEO innovation in this sector isn’t exactly mov-

John C. O’Malley • [email protected] ing ahead at full throttle, according to Todd

Publisher & Editorial Director

Greg Trauthwein • [email protected]

Salus, vice president at Maryland-based

RHIB builder Ocean Craft Marine. Salus


Eric Haun • [email protected] says the nature of the acquisition process

Tel: 212-477-6700 for these vitally important vessels can often

Contributing Writers be sti? ing to innovators that seek to bring

Tom Ewing, James Kearns, Barry Parker, Jeff Vogel fresh ideas and cutting-edge technologies


Production & Graphics Manager to market. So, the OCM team has set out

Eric Haun, Editor,

Nicole Ventimiglia • [email protected] to break the mold, partnering with a group [email protected] of forward-thinking companies to drive

SALES technological innovation in a meaningful

Vice President, Sales & Marketing

Terry Breese • [email protected] way, starting with the builder’s new 11.5-meter Offshore Interceptor. Read

Tel: 561-732-1185 Fax: 561-732-8414 more about this project starting on page 34.

Advertising Sales Managers

Innovation is also happening in the world of marine autonomy, where,

Lucia Annunziata • [email protected] more and more, groundbreaking tech is starting to hit the water. Of course,

Tel: 212-477-6700 ext 6240 Fax: 212-254-6271 autonomy exists in many forms, and its applications can drastically change

John Cagni • [email protected] everything about a vessel and how it can be operated in the real world.

Tel: 631-472-2715

Figuring out how to make the technology work is one thing, but solving

Frank Covella • [email protected]

Tel: 561-732-1659 Fax: 561-732-8063 the regulatory puzzle is proving to be a long and complicated process—no surprises. Tom Ewing’s feature story on this subject begins on page 28.

Mike Kozlowski • [email protected]

Tel: 561-733-2477 Fax: 561-732-9670

Gary Lewis • [email protected]

Tel: 516-441-7258


Manager, Marketing

Mark O’Malley • [email protected]


Esther Rothenberger • [email protected]

Tel: 212-477-6700 ext 6810

Manager, Info Tech Services

Vladimir Bibik


Kathleen Hickey • [email protected]

Tel: 212-477-6700 ext 6320


Subscriptions to Marine News (6 printed issues) for one year are available for $50.00; Two years (12 printed issues) for $80.00.

Send your check payable to:

Marine News, 118 E. 25th St., New York, NY 10010


Marine News (ISSN# 1087-3864) is published bi-monthly (6 times per year) by Maritime Activity Reports, Inc. 118 E 25th St. New York, NY 10010-1062. Periodicals Postage Paid at New York, NY and additional mailing of? ces.

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without the express permission of the publisher. 4 | MN June 2024

Marine News

Marine News is the premier magazine of the North American Inland, coastal and Offshore workboat markets.