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Figure 1. A contingency plan can minimize downtime, ensuring that replacement
EPIC equipment is shipped quickly.
proven track record for success and excellent service is optimum.
When looking for an aviation management company to provide a rapid response service, there are three critical components to look for: experience, capabili- ties, and availability.
When looking for aviation management companies for rapid things moving: response purposes, frst and foremost, determine if they have
Tips on fnding a rapid ever serviced oil and gas companies. Ask for case studies. Those response service case studies will shed light on real mis-
By Thomas Dunn, CSI Aviation worksite in good order, (See Figure 1). sions — the emergencies, what was n the oil and gas industry, one bro- While a company can try to manage done to solve the challenges and the ken piece of equipment in the feld its own rapid response services, it’s outcomes. Be specifc when asking or on a rig can be a big problem. best to seek professional help because questions because, even within the
With equipment down in the feld, an of the many risks involved. This is oil and gas industry, there are many entire operation can be jeopardized, especially true for a company that different needs and types of logistical and the fnancial cost to the company needs to transport equipment across emergencies.
grows with every hour and day that international lines. Experience is also demonstrated passes. Broken equipment needs to be Stringent airport restrictions, cus- through longevity. How long has your fxed immediately. toms requirements, and over-fight provider been in business and how
But what happens when a replace- permits are just some of the logistical long have they been providing aviation ment part isn’t within arm’s reach or challenges that, if not handled appro- management support? even within the same state or coun- priately, can cause a major problem, They should be able to provide a try? The clock still ticks and the (See Figure 2). Lack of aircraft knowl- long list of successfully implemented afficted company bleeds money until edge and of services specifc to moving rapid response operations for their somebody fgures out how to fx the cargo could also cost the company clients whether they be large cor- problem. signifcant money that it could have porations, government entities or
In this business, equipment failure otherwise saved. non-profts.
is expected, so having a contingency And those are just a few reasons to Longevity is also key because it plan in place to minimize downtime seek professional help. means that an aviation company has is essential. That’s why it’s absolutely Most rapid response services are built lasting relationships with air critical for oil and gas companies to offered through aviation support and carriers. Because of those important fnd an aviation management company logistics companies, but what each relationships, they are able to provide that offers rapid response services to company can provide to its clients var- a quicker response. Furthermore, a ensure that replacement equipment can ies. Navigating the aviation transport company with longevity will be knowl- be shipped quickly, handled properly arena can be challenging on a good edgeable about aircraft and know what once it reaches its destination, and day and treacherous on a bad one, so to ask of the carrier when it comes to then moved from the hangar to the contracting with a company that has a pricing and services, (See Figure 3).
OE | September 2013 78 epic3 aviation.indd 78 8/18/13 8:38 PM