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Rear Admiral Wendi B. Carpenter
US maritime strategy:
A time for new beginnings he imperative for a holistic United and educators to develop maritime supports over 28,000 jobs in the United
States maritime strategy has never strategy, policy with executable action States and is capable of building ships
T been greater. The National Strategy for plans, and legislation. The Committee domestically for national defense.
the Marine Transportation System was on the Marine Transportation System We live in uncertain times. In our published in July 2008 by the previous should be widened to include stake- many US ports and miles of inland administration. The White House, the holders from outside of the govern- rivers and waterways, as well as in the
Congress, and the maritime industry ment and so serve as a central board global commons, our merchant mari- should collectively and collabora- for the long-term development and ners are truly a frst line of defense, not tively address the ever more pressing oversight of a full-scale effort. only transporting economically essen- need for a national maritime strategy tial goods and services, but acting as the
The Jones Act must also be shored-up and pass long-overdue legislation to watchful eyes and ears of security in to properly support our domestic mari- reinvigorate the maritime industry. Key these vital areas.
time industry – all essential components areas include domestic and interna- Environmental standards, liability, of national security and capability.
tional commerce, maritime security, safety, and enforcement are improved 90% of global commerce moves by marine environmental policy, work- by having American-owned vessels sea. The suffciency of the mariner pool force development, maritime education and US citizen-crews responsible for to support a large-scale activation of and training funding, and strengthen- safely delivering the goods along our
DOD and DOT sealift feet depends on ing our American merchant marine. nation’s waterways. the health and size of the US-fagged
All of these intersect with actions, Our hope for the future lies in ensur- commercial feet. History has repeatedly which must also be taken to ensure the ing that the White House will, with proven it is in the best interest of the US strength of our entire transportation the support of the new team at DOT to maintain and support a strong active, industry across intermodal networks, and MARAD, immediately work for competitive, and military useful, pri- so that we generate the right capa- creation and implementation of this vately-owned US fag merchant marine. bility through balanced, long-term historic maritime planning team. It
Sealift is the primary means for deploy- investment in infrastructure, technol- is up to us to encourage Congress to ing most of the combat equipment and ogy, the environment, and education. support and work ever more closely sustainment for ground forces.
With planned and focused effort, we More than 40,000 American vessels with leaders of the American maritime will generate capability, and while of various types, built in American industry to create “THE” comprehen- doing so, promote short and long term shipyards and crewed by American sive maritime strategy and pass legisla- employment opportunities across vari- mariners, operate in US waters in dif- tion that will not only support, but also ous industries, benefting the economic ferent segments of the industry such as spur further growth in our industry vitality of the nation and extending offshore, coastal, inland, and western The time to act is now. positive second and third order effects, rivers. The Jones Act results in nearly including increased tax revenues. 500,000 jobs, $29 billion in labor com-
Rear Admiral (ret.) Wendi B. Carpenter
Working closely with US Department pensation, and more than $100 billion is president of SUNY Maritime College of Transportation (DOT) and the in annual economic output, according in Bronx, New York. She is a 30-year
Marine Administration (MARAD), a to a study by PricewaterhouseCoopers
Navy veteran, having previously served high-level working group should be for the Transportation Institute.
as the commander of the Navy’s Warfare convened from a broad cross section The privately owned and operated
Development Command. In 2005, of individuals such as key members of US merchant marine is responsible for
Carpenter became the Navy’s frst woman
Congress, leaders from the US mari- one-third of the shipbuilding indus- aviator promoted to the rank of admiral.
time industry, labor, US Deparments try’s activities. The Jones Act ensures of Defense (DOD) and Homeland that our nation maintains a shipbuild-
Initially published in the July 2013 edition
Security, as well other industry experts ing and repair industry that directly com of MarineNews - www.marinelink.
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