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By Anthresia McWashington industry. This course exposes
University launches them to the science, and real- subsea engineering program world problems. It usually
The University of Houston’s Dr. Phaneendra Kondapi— takes them at least six months
Subsea Engineering program has created many career to go through the training.”
Kondapi said his fow assur- is the frst of its kind in the opportunities. so it’s important for younger ance course now has more than
US. The program—founded “Students enrolled in Dr. generations to get up to speed 40 students, the largest gradu- by mechanical engineering Kondapi’s fow assurance that much faster,” Skeels said. ate course at the university. professor and director of UH course are getting job offers “You could easily shave a year
Subsea, Matthew Franchek— just on taking that class.” The advisory board plans or maybe even a year and a is in its inaugural year Franchek said. “I don’t have to add more courses, such half off of that learning curve operating with a 10-course anyone in subsea coming up to the curriculum, said FMC for students coming out of the
Master of Science curriculum to me and saying they can’t Technologies Director Brian master’s program.” since receiving approval from fnd a job.” Skeels. As the program grows, The program is funded by the Texas Higher Education Kondapi recently won Skeels says that employees student fees and contribu-
Coordinating Board in 2012. the SPE teaching excellence of FMC and other companies tions from companies such as
Franchek received an award, presented to active work to stay ahead of the Cameron, FMC Technologies, overwhelming response from faculty who use innovative industry’s need for different GE Oil and Gas, and companies about starting the teaching techniques. His skill sets. He teaches subsea Weatherford. Franchek said subsea engineering program. decision to integrate practical processing and pumping, and they are coordinating with
Engineers and executives problems from industry and helps teach the downhole por- other universities across the throughout the industry promote networking between tion of gas lift. globe that offers subsea engi- helped formulate the curricu- students and professionals There is a strong need for neering programs. The Global lum and joined the program’s cemented his award. young professionals to gain the Subsea University Alliance staff and advisory board. “I didn’t want to make it skills necessary to maintain that he created is evaluat- “It’s such a new feld that a typical course like other the industry, Skeels explained. ing trends within the subsea there really weren’t any text- classes,”Kondapi said. “I The subsea program at the uni- industry, and plans to present books or faculty available with wanted to make this as com- versity saves companies that a more detailed outlook for experience in the subsea feld,” plicated as an industry-related hire recent graduates signif- the subsea sector at OTC 2014. said Franchek. “They decided or industry application cant time in training. The alliance is looking to offer to come in and serve as adjunct course, while creating motiva- “As more of the older gen- student exchange programs professors for us. They’re shar- tion towards the subject.” eration retires, the industry is and international research
Kondapi assigns his students ing their knowledge with the losing experienced people and opportunities for students as projects that are used within next generation of engineers subsea is getting more com- well as industry professionals and people who want to come the industry, without identify- plicated and more extreme, involved with the program. ing information. He teaches over to subsea engineering.”
The program has 70 stu- shows how to use industry dents enrolled and Franchek standard software, and pro- predicts that the numbers will vides insight into what they triple by January 2015, when can expect after graduation.
the university implements “I also teach them how interactive classrooms for to present their projects as students unable to physi- though they are presenting cally. Courses now offered to the customer, and I invite include subsea processing and industry professionals to artifcial lift, riser and pipeline come to the classes as guest design, and the program’s most lecturers, and to judge student popular class, fow assurance. presentations,” Kondapi said.
According to Franchek, “I take them on feld trips so
Students in the University of Houston’s subsea engineering society join Subsea director Matthew Franchek (in green) at the fow assurance—taught by they can see what is happen- 2013 IMarEST conference.
FMC engineering manager ing and be prepared for the oedigital.com November 2013 | OE 75 000_OE1113_Spotlight.indd 75 10/28/13 2:35 AM