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effects such as shading, texture, shadows, evaluation is determined not only by the and physics can be applied. The result statistical performance of the individual, is a virtual environment that is both visu- but the manner in which the trainees ally and mechanically realistic. behave and operate as a team,” says John
In addition to being present in Norway; Grieve, learning manager for wells, Royal
Drilling the US, Brazil, Singapore, and South Dutch Shell. “These elements include
Korea, The NOV Drilling HIL Simulator how calmly the team reacts to scenarios can be found at several academic institu- that require instinctive action.” tions including the University of Texas in Texas A&M in Qatar currently uti-
Austin. lizes a DrillSim 5000 full scale drilling simulator to help educate it’s students on iPad drilling simulator
Shell a variety of drilling rigs being utilized in
This is an educational tool that is
While technological innovations are the area. ideal for both driller and aspiring obviously crucial to the development of petroleum engineering students.
ARI Simulation drilling simulation training, the train-
This unique app provides graphical ing methodologies themselves are what In addition to verbal instructor feedback, displays including (but not limited transform these machines into effective many drilling simulators offer visual to) fracture and temperature educational tools. feedback in the form of digital reenact- gradients, ? uid parameters, type
Since 2011, Royal Dutch Shell has ments similar to “instant replays.” ARI of rig (? oating or land rig), surface been using a completion and well inter- Simulation, which offers a variety of off- circulation volume, and hydrostatic vention simulator in conjunction with shore drilling simulators for jackup rigs • calculations. their Advanced Well Control Training and drill barges, has experienced great
Program and DrillSim 5000 drilling mod- success in utilizing this technology. Over ule (both developed by Drilling Systems). regards to unexpected scenarios. These the past two years, “this video feedback
Known as the CWI Management Trainer, ‘unexpected’ situations are chosen and mechanism enables the instructor to ef? - this revolutionary completion/well implemented by an instructor overseeing ciently point out avoidable errors made intervention simulator is capable of the training exercise. by the trainees,” says Sukanta Saha of recreating multiple operations including The introduction of these problematic ARI Simulation. “This form of immediate snubbing, hydraulic workover, wireline, scenarios represents more than just an visual critiquing has been very effec- and coiled tubing. Because the simulator attempt to “throw off “the participants. tive in showing the operator what went requires multiple trainees to engage in They also enable the instructor to observe wrong and what improvements can be the scenario (just like in a real-life well and evaluate the trainees’ behaviors, made in future real life operations.” control/intervention operation), the asso- which cannot be recorded by means The ARI Offshore Drilling Simulator ciated program places a strong emphasis of a grade sheet. “A signi? cant part has models at the University of on collaborative decision-making in of our training program’s competency Oklahoma and the University of Mexico.
The future
These simulators represent an ideal opportunity for future petroleum engineers and drill- ing operators to make a swift and engaging transition from an academic experience to rig exposure. The educational and technological methods of these simulators are developing at an incredible rate. However, some industry experts project that some of the more pertinent future developments in drilling and well control simulation will not only arrive in the form of technological innovation, but also in terms of product accessibility.
Shell’s John Grieve predicts that mobile drilling simulation apps have the potential to be a valuable educational tool for today’s engineering students. “These mobile simulator apps
Simulators allow participants to train and learn in a safe environment at a low economic risk.
Photo: ARI Simulation
March 2014 | OE oedigital.com 30 000_OE0314_D&C1-Greg.indd 30 2/21/14 12:04 PM