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umbilical and heating cables can then be connected on the seabed via ROV. This makes a more ef? cient and cost-effective approach. Without the ability to make
Fig. 2: Wet-mate
Subsea wet-mate connections, the two cable ends power connectors. need to be “? shed up” to the surface– requiring an extra length of cable–so that different pressure than the surrounding splicing can be performed topside. This wet-mate connectors. Dry-mate connec- seabed. When possible, subsea mod- operation takes a long time, is costly, and tors are mated topside in dry circum- ules are pressure balanced—i.e., ? uid depends on adequate weather conditions. stances and then submerged to their rated ? lled—with the ? uid being adjusted
Poor weather can disrupt deployment depth. They cannot be interconnected on at the same sea pressure as outside the schedules. the sea ? oor. A subsea processing system will involve both dry-mate connectors module. This allows for thinner walls,
Wet-mate connectors within a module and wet-mate connec- reduced weight, and higher reliability enable modularity tors for intermodule connectivity.
as seals are not required to withstand
A wet-mate connector is a device that
Application of subsea wet-mate con- differential pressures. Some modules, allows connection of electrical conduc- nectors is similar to other connector such as those containing electronics or tors. Connectors are designed for a certain applications—they are used to directly other devices such as circuit breakers, current and voltage, frequency, and water connect two modules or to connect a cannot withstand pressure higher than depth. Their materials are corrosion resis- cable to a module.
atmospheric. Therefore, a penetrator
A special type of connector is the is used to prevent the seawater from tant and designed to withstand the harsh penetrator, an example of which is leaking into them. On other devices, conditions of subsea environments for their shown in Fig. 3. The penetrator is a such as pumps and compressors, which design life, typically up to 25 - 30 years.
For modularity to be achieved, power feed-through connector used to separate are potentially exposed to the reservoir distribution must rely on wet-mate high- chambers from each other or separate shut-in pressures, pressure ratings can voltage connectors that can be mated or a chamber from the outside world. It is get up to 15kpsi/1034bars. unmated in an unprotected underwater Penetrators are rated for withstanding basically a bushing designed to accom- environment. Fig. 2 shows a typical wet- pressures—such as 5kpsi, 10kpsi and modate pressure differentials. The
Deep Ingenuity - Ad 184x130_02.20.14.pdf 1 2/20/2014 9:08:11 AM mate connector pair. Offshore applica- 15kpsi—which are linked to the reser- inside of a sealed piece of equipment, tions distinguish between dry-mate and voir pressure. Required withstanding for example, may be at a signi? cantly
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