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Market share per basin localized current direction and speed, of imaging; rock pore space character- Only 50km from Brazil’s border with
Brazil causing cross-currents, which can be ization; rock physics modeling; rock French Guiana, the Zaedyus prospect, in the equatorial margin even stronger than the normal currents, and fuid interaction; sedimentological discovered in September 2011 and the
Basin PetrobrasOther signifcantly increasing the forces placed contextualization; 3D imaging and direct frst deepwater well uncorked in French
Espirito Santo 70% 30% on risers, fowlines, and other subsea hydrocarbon indicators, and petrophysi- Guiana at a water depth of 2048m, is equipment. cal properties. He also explained that forecast to hold 700MMboe in untapped
Campos 69% 31%
During OTC Brasil 2013, Petrobras E&P Petrobras was able to test these technolo- reserves, highlighting the potential of
Santos 68%32%
Director, José Miranda Formigli Filho gies in West African countries such as equatorial margin. estimated that by 2020, presalt produc- in Benin, Angola, Gabon, Namibia and “We are confdent that other oppor-
Potiguar 88% 13% tion will represent 50% of Petrobras’ out- Nigeria. tunities will be identifed by the explo-
Ceará 50%50% put, with the potential to reach 31 billion Magda Chambriard, director of the ration professionals in the equatorial
Pará-Maranhão50%50% boe. By 2035, he said 39 million boe/d of ANP (National Petroleum Agency), margin,” Formigli said.
new crude oil supply will be needed. echoed Formigli when commenting that Petrobras recently reported that it has
Barreitinhas 18%82%
Currently, 30% of the company’s the Brazilian equatorial margin acreage completed drilling a wildcat well in the th
Fóz do Amazonas 13% 88% exploration investments are directed to offered in Brazil’s 11 bidding round deep waters of the Potiguar basin. consolidation and appraisal of pre- bears similarities to oil-producing regions The results confrm the discovery
Pernambuco 43% 57% salt and transfer of rights areas. The in Africa’s equatorial margin. of intermediate oil (24°API). The well,
Total Brazil: 66% 34% th post-salt will stay with a 70% stake, She also commented on why the 11 informally called Pitu, sits at water depth including new discoveries taking place round of bidding did not concentrate in pinpointing new reservoirs along of 5679ft (1731m), and is 34mi. (55km) in Sergipe-Alagoas and Espírito Santo in southeast Brazil: ‘The majority of the Brazil’s equatorial margin, which runs off the Rio Grande do Norte. The well basins and the promising equatorial offer is situated in basins far from the from the border of the state of Amapá reached a total depth of 17,562 ft (5353m) margin, a 36,897sq mi. (95,563sq km) presalt polygon. This has been done with French Guiana, passing through the and intersected a hydrocarbon column area that includes 192 exploration sites, in order to decentralize the pattern of Amazon River basin all the way to the of 616 ft (188m). A formation test was 59 evaluation plans, and a few signifcant investment in Brazil, in which hydrocar- state of Rio Grande do Norte, where the carried out, which confrmed satisfac- discoveries. bons investment is concentrated in the coast turns downwards and where the tory permeability and porosity in the
Formigli explained that geological southeast.” northeast coast begins. reservoir. and geophysical (G&G) efforts led the Petrobras has great expectations for There have also been indications of
North coast company to fnd promising plays through the north coast, but faces serious envi- a signifcant discovery in deep water at integrated technologies such as well log G&G efforts, along with core sampling ronmental and infrastructure challenges Pará-Maranhão, but this has not been modeling and simulation; calibration and exploratory drilling will be vital to develop resources there. confrmed by Petrobras yet. all The major players in one exhibiTion why is ons 2014 1250 exhibitors and more than 60,000 visitors. Experience innovative technological solutions and meet new partners and clients.
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