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Activity unit (V-LIM) that incorporates a topside modem, they
Viper Subsea enters JIP Viper Subsea enters JIP build a network (V-NET) of electrical condition monitor-
Viper Subsea has signed a joint indus- Viper Subsea has signed a joint indus- ing units that inter-communicate and transmit infor- try project (JIP) agreement with BP and try project (JIP) agreement with BP and mation back to the surface. Each V-SLIM can identify
Total to further develop its subsea line Total to further develop its subsea line whether any electrical leakage is up or downstream of insulation monitoring (V-SLIM) technol- insulation monitoring (V-SLIM) technol- itself. In dialogue with one another, fault locations can ogy, which identi? es and locates cable ogy, which identi? es and locates cable be accurately located. and connector faults in remote subsea and connector faults in remote subsea Viper Subsea will carry out research and develop- electrical distribution systems. electrical distribution systems. ment for the V-SLIM system, while the JIP partners
With the backing of the JIP, will contribute funding and ? eld testing of the technol-
Viper Subsea is developing its ogy. The establishment of the JIP has been facilitated
V-SLIM technology to enable by the Industry Technology Facilitator. Viper Subsea accurate electrical fault location. expects the new V-SLIM to be ? eld-trialled in less than 18
V-SLIM units can be positioned months.
within the subsea distribution Technology developed by the JIP could be incorpo- system, and together with a rated into green? eld developments or retro? tted into surface line insulation monitoring brown? elds.
BP opens offshore training
GeoPro Geophysics’ headquarters construction components such as tubu- facility will be in Houston and its engineering lars, completion components, well-
BP and Fletcher Technical Community and processing center will remain in head and Christmas tree components.
College announced the grand opening of Hamburg. GeoPro Geophysics will oper- It will allow wells to be constructed the college’s BP Integrated Production ate as a global seismic data acquisition, using factual reliability information,
Technologies (IPT) building in Houma, processing and interpretation company. thereby allowing accurate assumptions
Louisiana. The new home of Fletcher’s This acquisition is the latest by Sierra to be made in relation to a number of
IPT program, which the Louisiana Hamilton, which formed at the end of conditions.
Board of Regents recently designated 2013 through a merger of Hamilton Group Discussions are already underway with a Deepwater Center for Workforce and Sierra Engineering. Private equity data librarians, and to date, more than
Excellence, features a 4000sq ft lab with ? rm Corinthian Capital Group owns ten operating companies have shown
US$500,000 in equipment. BP invested Sierra Hamilton. interest in joining the project.
$4 million into the project and the state
ITF, Tullow to tackle well Schlumberger acquires RDR of Louisiana matched with $4 million.
integrity database
Located near BP’s Houma Operations Schlumberger acquired Rock Deformation
Learning Center, the BP IPT Building ITF is working with Tullow Oil to Research (RDR), a UK-based company will include space for essential offshore establish a global wells and comple- specialized in geological software devel- specialty training for mobile drilling tions reliability database and is urging opment and structural geology consul- systems, marine operations, production more operators to join the project. The tancy for the oil and gas industry.
By integrating with the Petrel E&P systems and safety training. The building aim of the joint industry project (JIP) is software platform and Studio E&P also includes a math and science center to address ef? ciency and safety issues knowledge environment, RDR’s struc- for advanced coursework to prepare associated with well integrity through tural and fault analysis module pro- the next generation of engineers and the creation and management of a global vides users with tools to reduce risk classrooms for general studies courses to library of well data. This will provide and quantify uncertainty, while Studio support Fletcher’s student population. users with accurate and reliable informa-
Advisor enables Petrel platform users tion about a broader range of well types
Sierra Hamilton acquires in process standardization and com- than is currently available, allowing a
GeoPro petency development. Core software wealth of knowledge to be shared across
Sierra Hamilton LLC acquired all the the industry.
product development and consulting assets of GeoPro GmbH of Hamburg, The proposed database will be more services will continue to be in Leeds,
Germany to create a new operating sub- comprehensive, consisting of a broad
UK, where most of the approximately sidiary, GeoPro Geophysics LLC. range of well types and the associated 40 RDR employees are based.
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