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People Spotlight Spotlight Spotlight
By Elaine Maslin
OAA winners shine ore than 500 industry profession-
L-R Young Professional award winner Raymond Mckenzie, Brian als came together for the sparkling impressed
Nixon, winner of the Signi? cant Achievement award, and Inspiring 28th Offshore Achievement Awards senior man-
Leader winner Steve Nicol.
ceremony in Aberdeen, 20 March. agement with
The Society of Petroleum Engineers the trust he has gained and by showing breakthrough. It preferentially chokes (SPE) Aberdeen Section organized and commitment to company values, which unwanted produced ? uids, while pro- hosted the awards, known as “the indus- he displayed while serving as Resident moting production of oil from an entire try Oscars” and supported by Offshore
Engineer and Company Man on Nexen’s horizontal well. More than 1000 units are
Engineer, for the third consecutive year.
Golden Eagle development project. manufactured each month, and there have been 5000 successful applications since •
Anthony Onukwu, chairman of SPE Great small company
Coretrax Technology was formed in 2009 early 2013.
Aberdeen, said: “Since re-launching the • to develop tools and ? uids for the wellbore
OAAs three years ago, the awards have Safety innovations clean-up and well abandonment markets. gone from strength to strength, attracting Stork’s Extended Reach Breathing
It has since increased its product offering record-breaking audiences and increasing Apparatus System (ERBAS) improves and moved into markets in Europe, Africa, entries each year. SPE Aberdeen is proud safety on deep, con? ned space opera- and the Middle East, with international to support innovation and recognize suc- tions, such as work in platform legs sales now accounting for 70% of its busi- cess across the UK energy industry.” and FPSO tanks. Multiple re? ll stations are deployed throughout the exit route. ness. Coretrax plans to open facilities in
Saudi Arabia and Iraq this year.
The winners: Rather than changing cylinders, ERBAS • •
Signi? cant achievement Great large company can be re? lled in less than 60 seconds
Brian Nixon As Decom North Sea’s CEO, Hydrasun provides integrated ? uid trans- while still worn by the operative.
Nixon has helped grow the organization fer, power, and control solutions in more Export achievement to more than 230 members and is due to than 58 countries, with operational bases EV designs and builds wellbore camera retire this year. Read more - OE, February and facilities in UK, Holland, Caspian, systems able to work 10,000m below sur- 2014 - http://ow.ly/vWjS7 Dubai, Brazil, and Angola, alongside face in extreme environmental conditions, • Posthumous signi? cant sales of? ces and partnerships in the on electric line, slickline, coil tubing, or achievement award Gulf of Mexico, Trinidad, and Houston. drill pipe. Covering 17 locations world-
Steve Walton started at Wood Group in Revenues are expected to grow to £130 wide, EV does over 100 well interventions 1989, making him one of its longest- million (US$2.15 million) this year. a month for more than 300 clients. • • serving employees. He was a recognized Emerging technology Environmentalist expert in materials control in the core Guardian Global Technologies’ inte- TWMA’s TCC RotoMil and TCC services team and served as a safety rep- grated Ballistics Delivery System is a RotoTruck handle and treat drill cuttings resentative for more than 23 years, most new wireline perforating system, blend- at source, reducing cost, environmen- recently on Step Change in Safety’s lead- ing new technologies with traditional tal impact, and safety risks by using a ership team. He passed away last year. tools in a single unit. On the surface, it process of thermal desorption, which • Inspiring leader has a logging panel, a control panel, and separates drill cuttings and associated
Steve Nicol As Red Spider Technology’s a perforating panel. It can incorporate a materials into oil, water, and solids for ? rst employee, Steve Nicol’s commit- multitude of systems downhole, includ- recycling and reuse. • ment and leadership led him to be ing depth control devices and digitally- Working together appointed CEO. He helped secure the controlled detonator select ? re switches. The Underwater Centre collaborated investment required for the company’s The system is entering the commercial- with Skills Development Scotland to help growth, which led to its acquisition by ization phase. workers transfer land-based engineering, •
Halliburton in 2012. The innovator fabricatio n, and construction skills into
Tendeka’s FloSure autonomous in? ow • Young professional the subsea sector. In 2012, eight Scots
Ray Mackenzie – Nexen Twenty-six- control device helps operators overcome were trained as commercial divers. In year-old subsea controls engineer Ray the challenges of early water and gas 2013, the ? gure exceeded 60.
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