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he co-authored with Xianjie Yi and Kevin he co-authored with J.R. Clausen, A.E. feld at testing was also performed in the
Corbin of Chevron North America E&P,
Schen, I. Forster, J. Prill, all of whom feld at a test well in Catoosa Test Facility and Jefferson Davis, Patrick Davis, Mahavir were from National Oilwell Varco. in Owasso, Oklahoma.
Nagaraj, Oguz Yalcin of Schlumberger.
The authors published that they found Gee said in his presentation that it
Majumdar discussed how the “nature “a low-frequency, benign axial vibration was notable that “the same bit drilled all
Drilling of the pore pressure profle on deepwater can increase the ROP in all well types.” three feld tests,” with only minor wear
Gulf of Mexico (GOM) dictates the need for “No lateral excitations – this was displayed on the edges of the PDC, and hole enlargement while drilling (HEWD)” purely axial,” Gee clarifed in his presen- no damage whatsoever to the PDC cutting and examined the case study behind one tation, noting that lateral excitations and structure. In the paper, the authors wrote operator who decided to use a “ream-on- stick/slip can actually improve perfor- that “it was highly unexpected given the demand (RoD) system in the 12 ¼-in. sec- mance and maintain directional control. amount of load placed on the bit during
Using an the axial excitation tool, which tion and eliminate multiple trips to change peak WOB (weight on bit) fuctuations.” creates excitation over a frequency range, out BHAs (bottomhole assemblies).”
In conclusion, Gee said, the authors was simulated at the hard rock drilling The paper concluded that the RoD tool saw “ROP improvements, signifcant facility at Sandia National Laboratories, “was successfully deployed to overcome reduction in stick/slip and improved RSS axial excitation between 5-20Hz was tested the potential additional time and complex- (rotary steerable system) control.” They at two speeds: 60rpm and 135rpm. ity of navigating through the pore pressure also saw “increased WOB without gener- “We saw ROP gains from 20-50%,” Gee ating stick/slip by adding fuctuation and issues on this development well.” The said, with lower frequencies showing changing the DOC (depth of cut).”
RoD eliminated a BHA trip from more than
On Wednesday, Schlumberger’s increased ROP improvement than higher 25000ft measured depth, which in turn,
Hrishikesh Majumdar presented paper frequencies. In the paper, the authors incurred that additional savings by elimi-
IADC/SPE 167916, “Solving deepwater noted this trend could be “[owed] to the nating the need to pump down devices.
GOM pore pressure puzzle: multiple acti- decreasing amplitude of excitation at
Spotlights from the exhibit foor vation reamer eliminates trip prior to run- higher frequencies.”
More than 1300 exhibitors from domestic ning coring bottomhole assembly,” which
Multiple tests were performed in the and international companies and organiza- tions were present to showcase their respec- tive companies’ premier drilling products.
Among other products, Baker
Hughes highlighted its FASTrak log- ging while drilling (LWD) fuid-analysis sampling and testing services, which provides formation pressure testing, fuid analysis and caption, and the retrieval of downhole reservoir samples. The service company said the product, which will become commercial 2Q 2014, can quickly provide fuid’s physical properties to reduce rig time and operative costs.
Ana Carolina Hinkle, product champion – LWD Formation Testing and Sampling
Services, was on hand in Baker Hughes’ booth to explain that one “important application is the ability of taking samples on extended reach and horizontal wells.”
FASTrak was recently chosen by a
GOM operator in a deepwater develop- ment well for testing and sampling. In the case study circulated at the confer- ence, FASTrak obtained three samples with less than 5% contamination. “In terms of benefts, FASTrak, unlike its competitors has been able to capture ultra-high purity samples with very low oil-based mud contamination,” Francisco
Galvan-Sanchez, product manager- Fluid
Characterization & Testing for Baker
Hughes, said. He added that “FASTrak can capture the highest amount of fuid volume in the industry, we also have the ability to transmit the most fuid proper-
Rendering of the SteadyState Continuous Flow System. Photo from Weatherford.
ties in real time for fuid analysis.”
May 2014 | OE oedigital.com 66 064_OE0514_D&C2_IADC.indd 66 4/18/14 8:20 PM