Page 67: of Offshore Engineer Magazine (May/Jun 2014)
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CFS is planned to enter ? eld trials 3Q for other countries to pursue offshore play.
Drilling 2014. “For this client and also worldwide,
While a plethora of exhibitors touted the original API platform drilling rigs
Drillmec products, Italy’s had something were bigger rigs, and you would have to else up its sleeve: The drilling equipment have a derrick barge to install it onto the and oil? eld product provider is near- platform,” Folsom said. “With Mexico, ing completion of a newbuild offshore with Brazil, with a lot of different coun- modular platform drilling rig for client tries, derrick barges are not readily avail-
Compañía Perforadora México (PEMSA) able. They need a big rig, but they need to be deployed in the Petróleos Mexicanos it to be modular so they can load and (Pemex)-operated heavy oil? eld Ayatsil. unload it without a derrick barge. “Derrick barges are very expensive to
Discovered in 2008, and located off operate, and you have to get scheduled
Campeche Sound near Cantarell, Ayatsil is in, because there is not that many in the
Pemex’s largest-ever discovery. Sitting in a world. So Pemex and countries like Peru water depth range of 125-143ft, Ayatsil is are looking to modular rigs so that they can estimated by Mexico’s Energy Ministry to actually complete in the market place.” contain reserves of up to 553MMbo.
Folsom said that while Drillmec “As a 3000hp offshore modular drilling received the contract in December 2012, it rig, it’s the ? rst of its kind in this size,” had already been working on the project the rig’s Project Manager John Folsom for about six months prior to that. Drillmec explained. “It is roughly 120 lifts, in
Rendering of Drillmec’s 3000hp o