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Thought Thought ThoughtStream
Randall Luthi, National Ocean Industries Association
Stepping towards energy security t is the ? rst step in a long process. That Obama Administration even recom- particularly in the Atlantic basin and
I is probably the best synopsis of the mended opening up part of the Atlantic the Arctic. Canada, Mexico, Venezuela, recent announcement by the Department Coast for a lease sale in an early version Brazil, Norway, Russia, Cuba and west of Interior’s (DOI) Bureau of Ocean of the 2012-2017 program. However, African nations are examples of countries
Energy Management (BOEM) requesting post-Macondo, the program was cut back moving ahead with Atlantic and Arctic information on areas to be included in to include only the approximate 13% of offshore exploration and development the next Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) the OCS already open. plans. oil and gas leasing program. Known as As a nation, we cannot afford for the The energy resources on the OCS the ? ve-year program, it derives from upcoming program to suffer a similar are vital to our economic prosperity. the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act fate. However, President Obama’s recent Allowing oil and natural gas develop- authorizing the DOI (through BOEM) remarks on the energy impact of turmoil ment in the Atlantic could result in as to conduct sales of oil and natural gas in the Middle East indicate he still looks many as 280,000 new jobs; US$24 billion leases in federal waters off the US. We abroad, even when there are tremendous annually to the economy; $51 billion in are currently in the 2012-2017 ? ve-year untapped energy resources at home, government revenue; and 1.3MMbbl of program. This call for information starts resources the president is overlooking. oil and natural gas. Frankly, these num- the information gathering process for the bers likely underestimate the potential. “Obama’s recent remarks on 2017-2022 program. The DOI’s request for more informa-
The recent surge of US energy tion is crucial, but still only a ? rst step the energy impact of turmoil has occurred largely from onshore in truly adopting a holistic energy policy. in the Middle East indicate oil and natural gas development. The over-320-member companies of he still looks abroad, even
Production from the Marcellus Shale in NOIA look forward to cooperating enthu-
Pennsylvania, Eagle Ford in Texas and, in siastically with stakeholders, including when there are tremendous particular, the Bakken in North Dakota, states and consumer groups, and with untapped energy resources has propelled the US to be the world’s BOEM to provide information about what leader in natural gas. areas to include in the 2017-2022 ? ve- at home.”
We may also soon be the leader in oil year program. NOIA will also continue to production, provided US policies don’t As unrest in Iraq caused oil production to work closely with Congress on legislation end our run before we reach the ? nish drop, the president called upon Middle to identify areas to include in the pro- line. That could well happen, because East Gulf oil producers to “pick up the gram that would open up new and vital the great oil and natural gas produc- slack.” Once again, the US shows our areas to enhance