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requirement. tankers and certain small- and mid-scale
David Lang is the
The meaning of “any seagoing vessel FLNG facilities converted from existing
Managing Partner of and seaborne craft” has not been judi- LNG tankers which, although stationary
Vinson & Elkins’ Hong cially determined. Based on the Oxford for extended periods, are (by their nature)
Kong of? ce. His
English Dictionary meanings of the designed to sail or navigate from place practice focuses on terms, the term “craft” is a generic term to place once production, regasi? cation international energy for a “boat or a ship.” This simply leads or of? oading operations in a given area transactions, with a us back to a requirement for movement is complete. Although it is clearly more particular focus on on water as an essential criterion in order likely that an FLNG facility converted
LNG project development. Lang earned a to fall within the meaning of either “sea- from existing tankers would be treated as
BS in Mechanical Engineering at The going vessel” or “seaborne craft.” a “vessel,” consideration must be given to
University of Texas in 1998, and his JD degree at The University of Texas School of the speci? c modi? cations that have been
Law in 2003. Prior to entering law school, made to the tanker on conversion to the
FLNG facilities are an example of ? oat- FLNG facility. For example, if an FLNG
Lang worked as a reservoir engineer for a ing offshore craft that are often neither facility has its motive power and steering major international energy company.
“ships” in the conventional sense of the disabled due to long term anchoring it
Paul Greening is an word nor are they easily categorized as may no longer be “practically” capable of
Associate at Vinson & ? xed offshore facilities in the same way carrying people or things over water.
Elkins and is based in as drilling rigs and various types of other Determining whether an FLNG facility
Hong Kong. His offshore ? oating platforms. As this article will receive the bene? t of limitations of practice focuses on demonstrates there is clear dif? culty in liability for maritime claims will require international energy, de? ning the legal category into which consideration of the physical character- utilities and infrastruc-
FLNG facilities should ? t. istics of the facility and the jurisdiction ture projects. Greening
A number of large-scale FLNG projects in which it is employed. As this article earned a LL.B with honors and a B.E are currently either under construction or highlights, such a determination will not (Chemical) with honors from the University being proposed which (simply because be black and white and will involve an of Melbourne, Australia, in 2005. Greening of their scale) are more likely to exist assessment of how the applicable regime is dual quali? ed in both England and Wales solely as permanent facilities until ? nal de? nes a “ship” or a “vessel” and the and Australia, and he currently practices decommissioning. This can be contrasted unique attributes of the relevant FLNG
English law in V&E’s Hong Kong of? ce.
with FPSOs converted from existing oil facility.
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