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inspection knowledge. program to ensure that it can safely it meant that the inspection could be completed without affecting the platform’s
On the Sleipner, each ? ight lasted less deliver services to industrial clients such operations or bed space.
than 15 minutes and the team was able to as oil and gas and electricity companies. inspect all sides of the asset from the tips For example, to ? y offshore, Cyberhawk Thousands of images and high-de? ni- down to the water line. This highlighted pilots must pass four levels of internal tion video of the platform were captured,
North Sea some areas of corrosion to the jacket training and certi? cation over-and-above allowing a full inspection report on all and damage to the ladder cages. Before that mandated by the CAA. of the requirements set out in the scope leaving the Sleipner platform, Cyberhawk of work. By operating from the back of
Inspections that create delivered a ? eld report highlighting areas a vessel Cyberhawk’s inspection team real independence of concern to target in the next turn- was able to control the angle of the line around. This is the company’s standard Over the past four years, Cyberhawk of sight by moving the vessel around the practice and ensures that has carried out work practice and ensures that has carried out work platform. The result was a more detailed for all six superma- for all six superma- inspection of the platform’s underdeck jors across the UK, jors across the UK, and splash zone. A previous inspection
Europe, Middle Europe, Middle of an identical scope of work took a six-
East and Asia. The East and Asia. The man rope access team over three months. company continues company continues By contrast Cyberhawk was able to com- to look for ways in to look for ways in plete the inspection in just 10 days. It all which it can add which it can add adds up to greater ef? ciency, improved value to its propo- value to its propo- safety and considerable cost-savings. sition by improv- sition by improv- Operators can now carry out detailed ing its customers’ ing its customers’ multi-scope inspections without any operations – right operations – right effect on operations, logistics, bedspace down to the most down to the most or the welfare team.
practical issues.practical issues.
Tried, tested and provenTried, tested and proven
Limited bed Limited bed space on plat- space on plat- space on plat- Over the last four years, Cyberhawk has Over the last four years, Cyberhawk has established the use of ROAVs for CVI established the use of ROAVs for CVI and thermal inspection of onshore and thermal inspection of onshore
Top: Image taken structures at oil and gas installa-structures at oil and gas installa- during the inspection tions all over the world. The ? rst tions all over the world. The ? rst of the underside of deployments of micro multi-rotor deployments of micro multi-rotor the platform bridge.
Bottom: Close
ROAVs in the oil and gas indus-ROAVs in the oil and gas indus- visual inspection of try were at onshore re? neries and try were at onshore re? neries and a live fare.
processing plants in the UK in 2010. processing plants in the UK in 2010.
In 2011, Cyberhawk took its technol-In 2011, Cyberhawk took its technol- key issues are high- ogy offshore in the North Sea. Then ogy offshore in the North Sea. Then lighted before the in late 2012, Cyberhawk was, together in late 2012, Cyberhawk was, together
Cyberhawk team with asset management company Stork with asset management company Stork leaves the client’s Technical Services, awarded an Oil and Technical Services, awarded an Oil and asset. Gas UK Award for Business Ef? ciency in Gas UK Award for Business Ef? ciency in
Although ROAVs have certain Although ROAVs have certain the offshore industry. the offshore industry. forms automated features, safely piloting the automated features, safely piloting the forms Over 200 ? ares alone have been Over 200 ? ares alone have been is a prime example: it is ROAV in an industrial setting requires ROAV in an industrial setting requires is a prime example: it is inspected by Cyberhawk in the UK, inspected by Cyberhawk in the UK, an issue for all operators, risking a ‘bed a high degree of pilot training and skill. a high degree of pilot training and skill. an issue for all operators, risking a ‘bed mainland Europe, the Middle East and mainland Europe, the Middle East and
These elements are required to accurately bust’ for all non-essential projects. In Asia. Like the ROAVs themselves, the and consistently position the ROAV order to alleviate the problem of onboard compelling proposition of improved close to the asset and to ensure it can accommodation, Cyberhawk has been safety, operational ef? ciency and higher respond safely to unexpected events, focusing efforts in further developing its quality of engineering data is now reach- from a gust of wind to signal interfer- inspection methodology to allow greater ing more places than ever before. ence. Cyberhawk refer to this as the independence from the platform.
In April 2014, Cyberhawk was called ability to ? y in full ‘manual’ mode and Chris Fleming serves by an oil and gas supermajor to conduct a this is a cornerstone of its pilots train- as operations director close visual inspection to quantify a work- ing regime. Certain asset inspections, at Cyberhawk scope for fabric maintenance. The scope of such as the underdeck inspection of an Innovations Ltd. A work included CVI of the platforms ? are, offshore oil rig, require 100% manual CSWIP-quali? ed ? are boom, platform bridge link, under- ? ying, and, especially in this case, a plant inspector, Chris deck, jackup legs, jacket on the wellhead high level of pilot skill is vital to safe has over 18 years of platform and the conductor guide frame. operation. This level is considerably experience working
Cyberhawk operated from a supply vessel, above that tested and certi? ed by Civil in the oil and gas industry, having providing the same standard of inspection
Aviation Authorities, and Cyberhawk worked in Asia, America, Australia, imagery as previous ROAV inspections; has developed its own in-house training Europe and the Middle East.
August 2014 | OE oedigital.com 116 112_OE0814_Geofocus4_Cyberhawk.indd 116 7/22/14 3:48 PM