Page 16: of Offshore Engineer Magazine (Aug/Sep 2014)
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Thought Thought ThoughtStream Joe Scranton, AlTiSS Technologies
The importance and potential impact of revising API 17G he ongoing revision of API 17G methodologies were well balanced with cost effective solution. When working
T (speci? cation for subsea well theory, practice, and regular maintenance with equipment, supplier’s knowledge of intervention equipment) includes many intervals. their hardware will streamline the risk changes from prior editions. These As exciting as all the engineering mitigation process and can help select changes extend beyond the added design details of all the API 17G are, the ques- existing technologies for some interven- rules and product quali? cation processes tion most people want to know is: how tion scenarios.
for hardware typically seen in design will this affect the way I do my job? The When API 17G is released, the key to code updates. The additional sections best response is: “depends.” Depends successful deployment is knowledge- elaborate on speci? c project risk analy- upon what your job role is. If you are a sharing and training. For example, I sis procedures that are interwoven with manufacturer of intervention equipment, doubt anyone would simply sit down the limits and capabilities of equipment you will ? nd much more guidance on and read ASME Section 8 to learn how developed according to API 17G. It is design and quali? cation requirements in to build a pressure vessel. API 17G is within these sections where most readers one document than you ever had before. not as extensive as ASME Section VIII, will ? nd that API 17G deviates from a but the point is the same; take a large traditional API speci? cation. design code, which at ? rst glance appears
Much like the layers of protection complex and break it down into manage- analysis (LOPA) theory used success- able and trainable elements. API 17G can
This as a major step fully in other industries, API 17G has quite easily be translated into training forward in engineering included this approach for manufacturers packages to improve the communica- and operators of intervention hardware tion of the core message for the use of safety into every to develop and select the appropriate appropriate hardware for the intended intervention campaign “grade” of hardware based on the level application.
and reducing the role of of risk involved. Rather than selecting a Once widely adopted, API 17G will single product to meet all requirements, allow operators to properly select and relying on good luck for this approach adds a cost-risk-bene? t design intervention campaigns with full success.
analysis to the equation. This allows the understanding of the capacities of the option of selecting conventional inter- equipment they are deploying before the vention systems such as direct hydraulic equipment ever reaches the vessel. This control systems for low risk interven- as a major step forward in engineering tion opportunities, while advising the However, you may be stymied by the fact safety into every intervention campaign use of MUX controls with SIL (IEC that you now need better de? nition from and reducing the role of relying on good 61508/61511) ESD for DP intervention on the proposed application, so that bending luck for success. live wells where hydrocarbons may be limits, fatigue life, and other variables are expected. properly quanti? ed. This is where input Joe Scranton is the engineering manager
In addition to establishing protection from the operator is crucial to de? ne at AlTiSS Technologies in Houston.