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that offer at the same time high reliability, minimum mainte- intervention and environmental monitoring is in increasing nance needs, reduced weight and dimensions and high mechani- expansion. cal robustness to resist the high-salinity and high-pressure Various companies from around the world are investing in this encountered in deepwater marine environments,” Camerini said. area due to the aging of existing subsea equipment, which begin
With the increased importance of deepwa- to deteriorate due to marine effects, generating ter environmental safety concerns, Petrobras production problems and even environmental quickly became interested in another simple accidents. Other than that, the exploration and useful subsea ROV tool developed by of the pre-salt demands great investments in
Ativatec, designed specifcally for deepwater new subsea technologies for E&P in ultra-deep environmental monitoring. The sediment waters, which has been attracting international collect tool (ASC), performed more than 90 companies to Brazil,” Camerini said. offshore operations at Campos Basin in 2012. Deepwater equipment control is always a
Its sample technology does not compress or challenge and it is interesting to look at what deform the sediment sample, therefore allow- equipment Ativatec uses for deepwater acqui- ing a reliable environmental sediment analysis. sition, control and data transmission, and
It is capable of sediment collection in water what are the challenges in real-time deepwa- depths of 3000m and has an open/close visual ter data transmission, when asked about this
Crab Tool deepwater operations.
indicator. It is also considerably lightweight Daniel explained that, “All our equipment
Photo from Petrobras.
at 58kg, with an in-water weight of 44kg and has optical interfaces for data transmission, can handle samples with dimensions of 30 cm-by-5 cm-by-5 cm. through the ROV video camera and an electric interface via the
Another Ativatec-designed tool for deepwater environmental
ROV umbilical. The great diffculty in real-time deepwater data monitoring is the Water Sampling Combo 6. It is an ROV tool capa- transmission lies in signal attenuation due to the long length of ble of collecting six water samples in different places in one single the umbilical cable, which in ultra-deep waters can reach 3km, dive. The ROV arm secures each GO-FLO bottle in the place and which many times requires the use of fber optics.” moment that interests the operator for water sampling to occur. Its
Looking at the future, Ativatec is striving to increase its objective is to monitor, collect and research data on water quality. equipment while maintaining quality. In less than a year
It has an individual bottle control, a visual bottle closing indica-
Ativatec has grown from a team of fve to 12 and from a 40sq tor, and also an ROV hydraulic interface. In 2012, the Combo 6 m room to a warehouse at the Federal University of Rio de performed more than 40 offshore operations at Campos Basin.
Janeiro incubator complex located within the university’s
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