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with bow loading, controllable pitch propeller and bow thrusters, This is correct for the US Gulf of Mexico, but Bruce Crager: still requiring two tugs for loading offshore, plus tugs in port. there is another FPSO working for Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex)
You asked about the regulatory side. I have to say that I in the Mexican Gulf and several more planned, including two found the USCG and Minerals Management Service (MMS) at Ayatsil-Tekel. FPSOs are not the only ? oating production very willing to listen to new directions in these early formative option in the Gulf due the well-developed offshore pipeline stages, whether from a contractor or an operator, and where we infrastructure. Spars, TLPs and semi FPUs are practical options really went after fundamental sound and safe really went after fundamental sound and safe in most locations. However, as we move into deeper water and in most locations. However, as we move into deeper water and methods and took a lead in it. Maybe this methods and took a lead in it. Maybe this new areas without pipeline infrastructure, such as the Cascade/new areas without pipeline infrastructure, such as the Cascade/ is an American thing–we did not “go Chinook and Stones developments. FPSOs are a very viable Chinook and Stones developments. FPSOs are a very viable cap in hand as supplicants for papal option. One signi? cant advantage of FPSOs is the ability option. One signi? cant advantage of FPSOs is the ability blessing”–but rather it was an attempt to disconnect in the event of a hurricane, which is not to disconnect in the event of a hurricane, which is not to take the lead and get it right. common practice for other ? oating production systems. common practice for other ? oating production systems.
For these reasons, I expect the use of FPSOs in the Gulf to For these reasons, I expect the use of FPSOs in the Gulf to
Arjan Voogt, Manager of MARIN’s increase.increase.
Point by point:
Houston of? ce: The FPSO community The FPSO community
Arjan Voogt:Arjan Voogt: has always been proactive in solving chal- has always been proactive in solving chal- As is shown by their track records around the lenges in design and operation together as an lenges in design and operation together as an world FPSO can be safe and reliable means to produce and world FPSO can be safe and reliable means to produce and
VOOGT industry. The reality that if one of these systems store oil, so I don’t see the US regulations block this option for
The business of FPSOs fails all will suffer, is seen by all competitors who work together ? eld development. However, the choice for FPSO’s is driven towards safe and ef? cient operations. Since the FPSO Research by many more factors and with the existing infrastructure and
Forum began 17 years ago, many joint industry projects tackled experience in the Gulf of Mexico, it will not be the one solution important issues like green water and bow slamming, life cycle that ? ts all.
management, mooring integrity and safe of? oading operations.
Peter Lovie: The evidence is not good for there being many
OE : Currently, only one company (Petrobras) operates an more FPSOs in the US Gulf of Mexico. First, taking the broad
FPSO in the Gulf of Mexico in the Cascade/Chinook ? eld, operating oil company viewpoint, there are multiple factors and Shell is soon to follow with the at its FPSO Turritella at play in? uencing the choice of an FPSO as the development
Stones development. What’s your view of this market?
Will more companies follow suit as production heads into
The Cidade de Ilhabela FPSO berthed at the Brasa shipyard deeper Gulf waters or will US regulations interfere?
in Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Photo from SBM O