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Read this page in Pdf, Flash or Html5 edition of Sep/Oct 2014 Offshore Engineer Magazine
th 4 Annual
What's going on in today's
FPSO business?
Plan to attend the two day conference and participate in the rd
Mooring Special Session Workshop held on September 23 from 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
PROPOSITION 4: The Cost of FPSOs Today
Actually Represents Good
Value; an Optimum
September 23
Balance between Capital
Cost, Operating Cost, And 1:00 - 1:10 PM
Session 1: Bigger, More
Building, Operating
Production Efficiency
Introduction, Recap & Complex, More
And Financing - And
Update from 2013 Advanced: You Want
Getting Paid For It.
PROPOSITION 3: Leasing Is Not What It
Arjan Voogt, Marin Us To Do All That And
Owners Can Do a Lot More
Walk On Water Too?
Used To Be!
To Drive Cost Reductions
New Deepstar Research
Thomas Kolanski,
Puneet Sharma, (Other Than Squeezing for Chain Corrosion
BW Offshore
Modec International
KT Ma, Chevron 1:10 -1:25 PM
Session I:
Update on Regulations and
The State of the Business
FPSO Project Risks Are
What the FPSO Contractor
Design Philosophy
Moderator: Peter Lovie,
Being Mis-Allocated of the Future Will Look Like 1:25 -1:40 PM
Hongbo Shu, Shell
Peter M. Lovie PE, LLC.
Between Owners and
Cobie Loper, SBM Offshore
Contractors, Resulting In
Mooring Replacement Work
Higher Costs
Subir Bahttacharjee,
Keynote: Operator Comments,
ExxonMobil 1:40 - 1:55 PM
Expectations, Discussion with Audience
PROPOSITION 1: 1:40 - 1:55 PM
A Practical Look into
Opportunities, Issues in Blake Moore, Shell
Preventing Mooring line 8:40-10:05 AM the Offshore Community
Failure at the Fairlead
FPSO Configurations and
Jonathan Miller,
Designs Provide
Morning Coffee Break in 1:55-2:10 PM InterMoor
Significant Cost Saving the Exhibit Hall
Opportunities That Should
Coffee Break
Be Taken Seriously
Sponsored by:
Sponsored by: 2:10-2:30 PM 10:05-10:35 AM
Session III: Facing the
Realities of Cost and Risk
Session 2:
Randall Luthi, President, - The Big Debate of 2014
Session II:
Monitoring Mooring Line
National Ocean Industries
Moderator: Dick Westney,
The Future From
Association 8:00-8:40 AM
Westney Consulting
Perspective Of Industry
Experience with Advisors: Expectations,
Introductions and
Mike Mileo, Chevron
Multibeam Sonar for Dry Opportunities And Issues
Opening Remarks
Babu Ramalingam, SBM
Monitoring of Mooring Moderator: Barry Donovan,
Brion Palmer, AtComedia
Bob Williamson, KBR
Line Failures Raymond James
Barry Donovan,
Dick Westney,Westney
Angus Lugsdin, Tritech
Raymond James
Consulting Group 7:45-8:00 AM
International Limited
Intro: Quiz for Audience 2:30-2:45 PM
Barry Donovan,
Lunch in the Exhibit Hall
Raymond James
Integrated FPSO Real Time
September 24
Monitoring, Forecast and
Sponsored by:
Worldwide Projects - A 12:10-1:10 PM
Advisory System
Opening Reception on
Forward Look At Activity
Yong Luo, COTEC 2:45-3:00 PM the Exhibit Floor 10:35-12:10 PM
Levels and Trends 5:00- 7:00 PM
Current Mooring Line Closing Discussion;
Jim McCaul, International
Monitoring Approaches Audience Q&A for
Maritime Associates
Discussion & Closing
Robert Barker, Speakers 4:50 5:00 PM
BMT Scientific Marine
Financing Activity and
Services Inc 3:00-3:15 PM
Trends in the Offshore
Challenges in Deepwater Recurring Legal and
Disconnectable Turret Related Trends and
Panel Discussion and Q&A Barbara Gronquist, SVP
Design Cheryl Smerk, NOV Issues in FPSO Market
David Cobb + Session Shipping, Offshore, DNB
Kerry Williams, 4:30 - 4:50 PM 3:15 - 3:30 PM
Speakers Bank ASA
Chamberlain Hrdlicka
Turret Mooring Design
Coffee Break for Squall Conditions
Sponsored by:
Amir Izadparast, Sofec 3:30 - 3:50 PM 4:10 - 4:30 PM
Mooring System Options
Session 3: in Shallow Water
Turrets & Station Keeping
Jack Pollack, SBM
Offshore 3:30-3:50 PM 3:50 - 4:10 PM
September.indd 26 8/21/14 9:39 AM