Page 15: of Offshore Engineer Magazine (Jan/Feb 2015)
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Woodside ups
Morocco stake
Woodside entered into a 12-month contract for an exclusive Reconnaissance
License (RL) with the Of? ce
National des Hydrocarbures
R et des Mines, the national
JK oil company of Morocco, to explore the Rabat Ultra Deep
Offshore area. The block is just west of the Rabat
Deep Offshore I-VI permits,
H and covers 36,737sq km in 1700m-4400m water depths.
Commitments under the RL
N work program include a 2D seismic survey and studies.
Benthic in
Mozambique survey
Anadarko Petroleum awarded
Benthic a contract for a deep-
O water geotechnical investiga- tion in the Gol? nho ? eld off
Mozambique. Mobilization onto the Jaya Vigilant will begin in January 2015.
Benthic’s PROD (portable remotely operated drill) will perform rotary rock coring
A drill stem test resulted Cretaceous shelf carbonates. and piston coring in water
TGS, EMGS expand
Barents coverage in a combined ? ow rate of The SNE-1 well was drilled depths up to 2500m.
TGS and Electromagnetic more than 90 MMcf/d from using Transocean’s semisub-
Geoservices (EMGS) three Carboniferous intervals. mersible drilling rig Cajun orders 3D seismic agreed to further expand
The Pegasus West well has Express in 1100m water the companies’ previous been suspended to assess data about 100km offshore in the Masirah Oil picked Dolphin cooperation agreement in the and to make a decision on Sangomar block. The well was Geophysical to conduct a new
Barents Sea. TGS will partner development. drilled to 3000m TD. 3D seismic survey of Block
Centrica Energy operates 50, on the southeast coast with EMGS to acquire
Pegasus with a 55% interest with Statoil drops of Oman, using the Artemis electromagnetic (EM) data out of Kwanza partners Third Energy (35%) and
Arctic vessel.
over approximately 10 new
Atlantic Petroleum (10%). Statoil is paying US$350
Block 50 covers 16,903sq blocks in the Nordkapp and million to take a “time-out” km, where non-commercial
Tiddly areas.
Saturn comes up dry
The M/V Atlantic Guardian hydrocarbons were discov- in its Kwanza exploration
Statoil’s ? nal well in its will acquire the new 3D EM ered at the MNN#1 well in 4Q drilling program off Angola 2013-2014 drilling campaign, data, which will be available 2013, followed by a second affer disappointing drill- wildcat well 7227/10-1, has to clients through both EMGS exploration well which ing results. The Norwegian come up dry. The well was and TGS. discovered several formations giant canceled the