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Analysis requirements, Knudsen says. However, AC
Rig stats power is being stretched
Worldwide beyond 150km for Total’s
Rig Type Total Rigs Contracted Available Utilization
Martin Linge develop-
Drillship 113 92 21 81% ment, which will use a 424 356 6883%
Jackup 161km-long high voltage 181 157 24 86%
AC cable (145kV/55MW) 34 21 13 61%
Tenders from Kollsenes, Norway.
Total 752 626126 83%
In 2005, power
Gulf of Mexico from shore via ABB’s
Rig Type Total Rigs Contracted Available Utilization “HVDC Light” link was
Oistein Johannessen, VP
Drillship 35 32 3 91% launched on Troll A for communications, DPN, Statoil. 89 64 25 71%
Jackup pre-compression. ABB is 28 24 4 85%
Semisub now working to provide
Tenders a further 100MW to Troll using its HVDC Light to power two 152 120 32 78%
Total compressor drive systems.
Asia Paci? c
A 98km-long, 90kV AC cable was used to provide 40MW of
Rig Type Total Rigs Contracted Available Utilization power to the Gjøa platform, which was developed by Statoil
Drillship 17 10 758% and now run by GDF Suez. It started up in 2010 and was the
Jackup 118 105 13 88% ? rst ? oating platform to be supplied with power from shore. 38 27 11 71%
ENI’s Goliat, also a ? oating facility, will get 75MW via a 105km, 24 12 1250%
Tenders 123kV AC cable. 197 154 43 78%
In 2013, BP’s Valhall ? eld was the ? rst 100% powered from
Latin America shore offshore platform, via a nearly 300km, 150kV, HVDC cable
Rig Type Total Rigs Contracted Available Utilization from Lista, with conversion to AC at Valhall to provide 80MW.
Drillship 25 25 0100%
BP had investigated power from shore in 2000, initially as
Jackup 9 7 2 77% a regional solution, supporting UK and Norwegian North Sea 35 34 1 97%Semisub platforms. But, the project resulted in just Valhall having power
Tenders 2 2 0100% from shore. “We have been involved for 13-14 years,” Olav
Total 71 68 395%
Fjellsa, director of communications, BP Norge said at ONS.
Northwest European Continental Shelf “The ? rst estimates were really very high and there was a large
Rig Type Total Rigs Contracted Available Utilization debate to drive down costs to get the cost we ended up with.
Drillship 1 0 1 0% 51 48 3 94%
Semisub 47 44 3 93%
Gjøa would have
Tenders needed four N2520 99 92 7 92%
Total gas turbines. It still
Middle East & Caspian Sea needs one, for gas
Rig Type Total Rigs Contracted Available Utilization export, but waste heat
Drillship 1 0 1 0% recovery is used on 108 93 1586%
Jackup this unit.
Semisub 3 3 0100% “When we started
Tenders it, there was uncer-
Total 112 96 16 85% tainty about how much
Sub-Saharan Africa downtime there would
Rig Type Total Rigs Contracted Available Utilization be due to power from
Drillship 26 21 580% shore. Nearly four 24 19 5 79%
Jackup years in and operation-
Semisub 16 14 2 87% GDF Suez’s Gjoa facilities. ally, we have had a very 8 7 1 87%
Image from Statoil.
good experience with
Total 74 61 13 82% reliability. We have had
Rest of the World two shutdowns due to power from shore. The ? rst one we were
Rig Type Total Rigs Contracted Available Utilization warned up front about. This was for testing at Mongstadt. The
Drillship 8 4 450% other was due to thunder and lightning onshore and we were able 25 20 580%
Jackup to have an immediate re-start.
Semisub 14 11 3 78%
The project had planned for 30-40MW power. “After start-
N/A N/AN/A N/A up we realized we would be able to produce up to 65MW giving
Total 47 35 12 74% us future capacity,” Adland says. “The biggest risk is if we have
Source: In? eldRigs failure on the power cable. That could give a relatively long shut 15January 2015 down.”
This data focuses on the marketed rig ? eet and excludes assets that are under construction, retired, destroyed, deemed non-competitive or cold stacked.
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