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compared with resulting in multiple versions of a single
Why 2013, organizations piece of software. The resultant damage just reporting ? nancial can be time-consuming and expensive hits of $20 million or and, at worst, threaten installation safety.
Hardband more increased 92%, The solution is to implement an inte- it...
and ? nancial losses grated management of change process, caused by security designed speci? cally for software con? g- breaches jumped uration code. To avoid Parallel Software 34%. Losses are not Changes, the system adopted should, as a exclusively mon- minimum, include software “check in – etary. Respondents check out” capability. also expressed
Compliance concern about theft of intellectual The offshore industry is obliged to com- property, damage to ply with a myriad of regulations, stan- company reputation dards and codes of practice, requiring the and declining share effective management of process control value. These con- software, information security and data control systems. While external in? ltra- cerns demonstrate the imperative need management. To comply with these, tion from hackers or malware is undoubt- for stricter control over access to critical companies must provide evidence of edly a problem, insiders who have access systems. secure backups of codes and documents, when you can to process control software perpetrate con? guration management systems, pass-
Disaster recovery nearly half of security incidents. Granted, word administration, and audit trails. ® some of these breaches are innocent Every operator understands the immense
Take control and control change and accidental, but in too many cases cost associated with unplanned shut- employees, subcontractors or third par- downs. Few, however, These four risks it!
ties deliberately in? ltrate systems to steal stop to think about how demonstrate that the data or sabotage a system. important software is to the integrity of ‘hid- Compared with
The Global State of Information running of a system. When den’ assets is just as
Don't settle for
Security Survey 2014 revealed that, something goes wrong with important as that of 2013, organizations ordinary hardbanding.
process control software, physical assets. reporting ? nancial hits
Insist on costly delays are often pro- No company would ® of $20 million or more longed because of the com- ever think of neglect-
Duraband NC… pany’s reliance on ineffec- ing the physical infra-
Custom increased 92%, and the world's most tive back-up solutions for structure or security ? nancial losses caused trusted hardbanding!
dealing with the problem. of an FPSO, drilling
Panic ensues. Where are rig or pipeline. Why, by security breaches •100% CRACK FREE &
Take Advantage of your Editorial Exposure the backup disks? Do we then, are so many jumped 34%.
REBUILDABLE have the correct version of prepared to ignore the software? How do we know costly and danger- •Excellent Casing & Tool Joint
Protection the software isn’t obsolete? ous problems that
Backup software can often be corrupted. can easily result when process control •No need to remove existing
Or it can be misplaced. Or it might not systems are left unprotected? hardbanding
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managing changes to process control soft- instrumentation engineer with over 30 ware con? guration code. An area where years in the instrument and control
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PMS 370 C by different parts of the organization, 3Sun Control and Instrumentation. oedigital.com February 2015 | OE 55 054_OR0215_ProdOps3_assets.indd 55 1/20/15 6:35 PM