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March 2015
GEOLOGY & GEOPHYSICS 30 What lies beneath
Dan McConnell explores the geotechnical knowns and unknowns in the Gulf of Mexico.
Resonance enhanced drilling (RED) could help speed up drilling time and ef? ciency. Elaine Maslin reports.
EPIC 38 Getting to grips with grout
Grout is taking on new forms to meet the needs of offshore wind applications. Jim Bell explains.
Intelligent Oil? eld 40 24
Sea? oor tools When automation, not if
Susan Gourvenec provides a toolbox approach for
Automation on the drill? oor has been slow optimizing geotechnical design of subsea foundations.
to take off – but it is coming as advances in enabling technologies are made. Elaine
Maslin looks at work ongoing in the ? eld.
PRODUCTION 44 AIM for life – and beyond 26 Learning lessons learned
Floating production systems are on the hard edge of
Is the oil industry good at lessons learned, asset integrity management, Jonathan Boutrot, Offshore but not at learning lessons? – Jan-Erik
Development Manager, Bureau Veritas, explains.
Nordtvedt, SPE Intelligent Energy program committee chair 2014 and President and CEO of Epsis, poses the question.
SUBSEA 48 Leap of faith 28 Transforming the future of oil
Will subsea tech join fracking slowdown? There may be too
Repsol’s Director for Exploration and much momentum. Bruce Nichols reports.
Production Technology Santiago Quesada discusses the company’s partnership with IBM aimed at developing cognitive
PIPELINES technologies for better decision-making.
52 Going with the ? ow
Flow measurement isn’t always foremost in industry debates, but the role it plays – and getting it right – is key.
Elaine Maslin found out more.
Required reading for the Global Oil & Gas Industry since 1975
ON THE COVERON THE COVER oedigital.comoedigital.com ?
Long-awaited. Long-awaited. In mid-February,
March 2015 oedi ital.com Intelligent Oil? eld Australia/New Zealand Foundations Vol. 40 No. 3
Statoil and partners reached a Statoil and partners reached a
Foundations 38, 40 Asset Integrity 44 Processing 48 ? nal investment decision on the ? nal investment decision on the g 2.35 billion bbl Johan Sverdrup 2.35 billion bbl Johan Sverdrup 56 Australian and New Zealand ? eld, located in the Norwegian ? eld, located in the Norwegian • • • offshore exploration
North Sea. Discovered in 2010, North Sea. Discovered in 2010,
Wood Mackenzie’s Angus Rodger and Matt Howell, discuss the ? eld’s development is a the ? eld’s development is a
Intelligent major success given the current major success given the current the exploration environment for Australian and New
Oil? eld When automation, not if 24 • reduced CAPEX climate. Wood reduced CAPEX climate. Wood Advancing cognitive •
Zealand projects as well as the potential impact from the computing technology 28
March 2015 RED gets ready 34 •
Mackenzie recently valued the Mackenzie recently valued the recent fall in oil prices.
? eld at US$11.2 billion.? eld at US$11.2 billion.