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Cortland opens Houston area facility
Cortland Co. opened a synthetic ? ber testing and fabrication facility in
Sugar Land, Texas. The company is a global designer and manufacturer of engineered synthetic ropes, heavy-lift slings, electro-optical-mechan- ical cables, and umbilicals. The new facility will conduct destructive testing and recerti? cation of synthetic ? ber ropes and slings up to 1.3 million lbs. In conjunction with tensile testing, Cortland will conduct tension-tension fatigue testing up to full machine capacity with high- fatigue-rated components. Additionally, new 100hp pumps are avail- able to test at high cycle rates not typically found in high-capacity test equipment. The new 13,000sq ft location will house complete testing equipment and fabrication services with room to expand. •
Cortland Co.’s new facility in Sugar Land, Texas, brings new capabilities to the Gulf Coast. Photo courtesy of Cortland Co.
Shell makes US$70 billion BG offer companies will contribute dedicated energy corridor as will Siemens’ oil and teams, with Aker serving the subsea mar- Shell Oil made a US$70 billion cash gas and marine business unit.
and share offer for UK-headquartered ket, while Fjords focuses on the topside
Ceona, Seaweld deepwater and LNG-focused BG Group in segment. Fjords Processing, previously what is one of the ? rst supermajor deals known as Aker Process Systems, has in form Ghana partnership recent years strengthened its position since the early 2000s. The move, which Ceona entered into a joint venture with by acquiring the separation specialist offers a 52% premium to BG Group’s Seaweld Engineering, which will act as a companies Opus Maxim and Separation share price, based on a 90-day trading strategic partner for offshore deepwater
Specialists Inc. period, is expected to close in early 2016. construction projects in Ghana. The JV
If completed, the merger would make the allows Ceona to extend its operations in
ACMA celebrates 40th anniversary combined Shell-BG entity larger than BP West Africa and build upon the success
Alan C. McClure Associates (ACMA), a and Chevron in market value. The deal it has already achieved in the region. The naval architecture and engineering ? rm, will add some 25% to Shell’s proven oil agreement will see Seaweld Engineering celebrated its 40th anniversary on 1 and gas reserves and 20% to production, supporting Ceona in delivering its full
April 2015. Founded in 1975 by Alan C. including LNG and deepwater assets line of products and expertise in Ghana.
McClure, Houston-based ACMA provides in Brazil and Australia, and enable an The companies have been working a wide variety of engineering and design increase in asset sales up to $30 billion together since late 2014 and of? cially services to an international clientele. during 2016 to 2018. Shell CEO Ben van registered the JV by the petroleum com-
Projects include drilling rigs, ? oating Beurden said the deal would create the mission in Ghana in March 2015.
largest producer of LNG among interna- production systems and support craft for
TAM International tional oil companies. the offshore petroleum industry. Other opens Norway of? ce services include project management,
Aker, Fjord form WellSep alliance Houston-based TAM International opened legal, arbitration consulting, surveying
Aker Solutions and Fjords Processing and negotiations. a new of? ce in Norway to support the have formed WellSep, an alliance to company’s current business and seek
Siemens opens develop technology and capabilities for further growth. Colin Graham has been advanced wellstream separation and appointed Norway country manager.
Houston headquarters treatment solutions for the subsea and Siemens opened its new oil and gas head-
Graham’s primary focus in this new of? ce topside oil and gas industry. The alliance quarters in Houston. Siemens’ managing will be to increase the company’s sales and will apply Aker’s subsea processing expe- board member Lisa Davis, who leads rental business. He has worked for TAM rience and testing facilities and Fjords’ Siemens’ oil and gas and power gen- for over 19 years. He opened the TAM topside and onshore separation technolo- eration businesses, will be based in the
Dubai of? ce in 2004 and worked there to grow the business for more than 10 years. • gies to provide complete solutions. Both West Memorial Drive of? ce in Houston’s
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