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James Watson, ABS
Securing intelligent systems offshore ften I am asked – what is classi? ca- vessels, the problem might grow expo- Clearly, the end goal for industry is to
O tion? We get this question a good bit nentially as outdated software on main reduce safety, environmental, and pro- in the offshore industry where the role of systems could have trouble interacting ductivity risks while increasing reliabil- class might not be as pronounced as it is with more modern software on newer ity, ef? ciency, and productivity.
But ISQM is only the beginning. in the marine industry. subsystems.
Historically, class society rules Even with high-quality software engi-
Class is one of the many stakehold- focus on steel and equipment. ABS neering, vessel owners must take a ers in the global safety regime. Our role has developed the Integrated Software lifecycle approach to software integrity. is to act as the independent third-party
Quality Management (ISQM) notation, That includes consistent veri? cation certi? cation and veri? cation body, and which is a risk-based software develop- and validation of systems and sub- in that trusted role, we work closely ment and maintenance process that can systems, and it also requires periodic with government regulators and industry be used to verify the software instal- cybersecurity risk assessments and a to develop and verify compliance with lation and to monitor for consistency consistent approach to capturing les- certain standards. We are a mission- when software updates or hardware sons learned.
driven organization which, simply put, is changes are made.
to protect life, property, and the natural Looking to the future, as an indus- environment. try we must continue discuss issues
In recent years, a signi? cant focus of that affect our security as technology
The key to maintaining
ABS offshore technology has been lever- advances beyond what we thought was software integrity is to aging “big data” and software integrity. possible a decade ago. As we become
In our modern and interconnected world, more dependent on connected and begin as early as possible in software integrity is an increasingly integrated systems, cybersecurity and any given project. Software important area for the safe operation of software integrity are key to the overall ? oating assets and mobile offshore drill- integrity of an asset. repair costs only increase ing units. as an asset ages. Estimates
The concept of overall software integ- James Watson is responsible for all rity is rooted in three core areas: software operations of the ABS in the Western place the cost for each quality engineering, veri? cation and Hemisphere. bug to be around $3000 cybersecurity. Prior to joining ABS, Watson served
The key to maintaining software integ- as director of the Bureau of Safety and in software support, which rity is to begin as early as possible in any Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) at does not include potential given project. Software repair costs only the US Department of Interior, where increase as an asset ages. Estimates place he provided regulatory oversight for downtime.
the cost for each bug to be around $3000 energy exploration and production on in software support, which does not the US Outer Continental Shelf. Before include potential downtime. ISQM focuses on the software that becoming BSEE director, Watson served
And in the offshore industry, where controls the equipment and provides a as the US Coast Guard (USCG) director we see software integrity already becom- process to minimize software-related risk of Prevention Policy for Marine Safety, ing a major focus, an estimated 30% of throughout the life of an asset. Initially, it Security and Stewardship. errors in software are due to interface was developed for the offshore indus- Watson earned a bachelor of science issues. try, with a particular focus on complex degree in marine engineering from
How complex are these systems? newbuild control systems. The recent use USCGA in 1978. He received his master
The integration of multiple pieces of of ISQM on the ultra-deepwater drill- of science in naval architecture and his hardware, from multiple manufactur- ship Rowan Renaissance, the ? rst vessel master of science in mechanical engi- ers, using multiple pieces of software built using ISQM, helped facilitate the neering from the University of Michigan provides seemingly limitless concerns integration and testing of more than 35 in 1985. Watson earned an additional if the integration is not executed with subsystems developed by a dozen major master of science in strategic studies at sound engineering principles. For older suppliers. the National Defense University in 2001.
May 2015 | OE oedigital.com 24 024_OE0515_Thoughtstream2_ABS.indd 24 4/19/15 11:00 PM