Page 3: of Offshore Engineer Magazine (May/Jun 2015)
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May 2015
GEOLOGY & GEOPHYSICS 46 Technology-led exploration success
Exploration isn’t just about the seismic, it’s about joining up the petabytes’ worth of seismic dots. Meg Chesshyre reports.
48 Structural modeling in unconventional reservoirs
Ef? ciency, cost-effectiveness and optimized analyses are crucial in upstream asset development. Jeannie Stell explains.
DRILLING & COMPLETIONS 52 Improved chelant stimulation treatments deliver sustained production gains
Halliburton Energy Services’ Harvey J. Fitzpatrick, Jr. shows how wellbore stimulation ? uids can increase production.
56 Advances in technologies for additives and ? uids
Mark Luyster of TBC-Brinadd provides an overview of recent ? uid advances for the completion phase of deepwater projects.
Feature 62 Laser-like precision
Jerry Lee and Greg App examine how lasers could be used not just for drilling, but for completions and well intervention projects, too.
66 From Russia with tough love
Global Deepwater
Elaine Maslin explains the use of chemical vapor deposition of
Review tungsten carbide on TSP diamonds for hardfacing.
EPIC 40 Short-term uncertainties 68 (Em)Bracing innovation in the deep
By taking onshore cable stay engineering design concepts for use
In? eld systems’ Catarina Podevyn takes a subsea, the Siri platform will be able to continue production. look at recent oil price movements and market
Elaine Maslin takes a look.
conditions on the deepwater (500m+) capex 70 Taking the load spending up to 2019.
Elaine Maslin reports on the new solution found to calibrate the 64 load cells on the Snore A tension leg platform.
44 Carry on carbon 72 Safety from a design consideration
Carbon ? ber rods are the way forward
Preventing corrosion is necessary to avoiding production failures. for providing umbilicals in deepwater
Leokadia Rucinski and Genesis’ Binder Singh provide details.
applications according to one leading subsea
PRODUCTION contractor. John Bradbury explains. 76 Offshore heavy oil economics
Jeannie Stell looks at offshore heavy oil development economics with an eye on the current low-price environment.
78 Developing KMZ
Jerry Lee provides an overview of Mexico’s Ku-Maloob-Zaap (KMZ) ? eld in the Bay of Campeche.
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80 Making light work of sand removal
Desanding to stop wellbore tubing clogging-up is nothing new
PRODUCTION SUBSEA SUBSEA PIPELINES but company FourPhase has developed their own technology
Heavy Oil 76, 78 Controls 82 IRM 90, 96 to keep the ? ow going. Neil Meldrum explains.
Gulf of Mexico in Focus • Developing KMZ o