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The Yuum K’ak naab FPSO, the ? rst in the Gulf of Mexico (Petrobras’ Cascade/
Chinook took the title of ? rst FPSO in the US Gulf of Mexico in 2011), began production on 18 June 2007. The $758 million vessel, owned and operated by BW Offshore was contracted with
Pemex for 15 years. This vessel has the capability to handle 600,000 bo/d of both oil types, process 200,000 bo/d, and export gas. By 2008, average ? eld production stood at 706,100 b/d of crude, and 272.8 MMcf/d of natural gas.
Nitrogen injection began at KMZ in 2009, along with McDermott’s delivery of the drilling platform, Maloob-C [3]. In 2011, Pemex installed gun barrel technol- ogy in the ? eld to improve the quality of crude, an investment of $1.75 million. By 2010, KMZ production averaged 839,200 b/d of crude and later peaked at 927,000 b/d in 2013.
By 2013, KMZ produced an average production of 863,800 b/d of crude, and 405.1 Mcf/d of natural gas, bring- ing cumulative production to 4.2 billion bbl of crude and 2 Tcf of natural gas. As the top crude producing ? eld, Pemex invested another $2.61 billion in 2014, bringing the ? elds total development cost to over $20 billion.
Works Cited 1. Garcia Carmona, J., Correa Lopez,
M. de J., Rojas Figueroa, R. A., Aguilera
Franco, N., Prado Pena, M. A., &
Martinez Ibarra, R. (2014, May 21).
Characterization of Semipermeable
Stratigraphic Layer of the Upper
Cretaceous based on the Sedimentary of the investment has been seen over Empresas ICA Sociedad Controladora
Model of the Ku-Maloob-Zaap Production the years as production tripled from and Fluor for US$169 million. The
Asset. Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Redevelopment 2004-2013, resulting in KMZ overtak- platforms were completed in August doi:10.2118/169274-MS
Taking lessons learned from Cantarell ing Cantarell in July 2009 as Mexico’s 2005. Swecomex delivered the Ku-S 2. Perez, E. M., & Rojas-Figueroa, A. ? eld, Pemex made the decision to largest crude producing ? eld. In addi- production platform at the ? eld in 2006. (2012, January 1). Mature Carbonate redevelop the KMZ ? eld so that it tion to adding more wells, the 2002 That same year saw the installation
Heavy Oil Field Exploitation Strategies: would not suffer the same rapid decline expansion project would include 32 of the two accommodation platforms,
The Cretaceous Ku Field, Mexico. seen at Cantarell. As a result, in 2002, new pipelines and 17 new platforms: HA-KU-S and HA-KU-M by Keppel.
Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Pemex planned an expansion of the separate platforms for telecommunica- Production platform, PB-KU-A2, was doi:10.2118/152689-MS
Ku-Maloob-Zaap project that would tions, production and a compression delivered in October 2007 by Dragados involve drilling additional wells and center, four accommodation platforms, Offshore.
3. Talwani, M. (2011, April). The pressure maintenance systems for the four production platforms, and seven Further investment was made at
Future of Oil in Mexico. Houston, TX: ? eld. Like the Cantarell ? eld, KMZ drilling platforms. the ? eld in 2005 when Pemex opted to
James A. Baker III Institute for Public utilized nitrogen injection to maintain Four drilling platforms were con- add a ? oating production storage and
pressure in the reservoir. The success tracted to a joint venture between of? oading (FPSO) vessel to the ? eld. oedigital.com May 2015 | OE 79 078_OE0515_ProdOps2_Jerry.indd 79 4/20/15 4:06 PM