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Global E&P Briefs Global E&P Briefs Global E&P Briefs Global E&P Briefs
Shell begins platform, has received regula-
Arctic program tory approval from the Canada-
The US Bureau of Safety and
Newfoundland and Labrador
Environmental Enforcement
Offshore Petroleum Board. But, (BSEE) has given Shell ? nal a subsea option to develop the approval to drill into deeper ? eld extension is also being into hydrocarbon-bearing zones evaluated. Originally expected
H at its Burger J prospect in the to come on stream in 2015, the
Chukchi Sea. Drilling opera-
West White Rose ? nal invest- tions began on 30 July with ment decision was deferred in limited approval to only drill
December 2014.
B into the top sections of two
Iracema Norte wells on the Burger prospect, J begins production and V. However, BSEE has not
Petrobras has begun produc- approved Shell to drill past tion at the Iracema Norte the top sections at Burger V. development following the
The Burger prospect is 70mi arrival of the FPSO Cidade de northwest of the village of
Itaguaí at the Lula ? eld in the
Wainwright, Alaska, at 140ft
D pre-salt Santos basin.
water depth. Shell is using the
Petrobras says the 7-LL-36A- semisubmersible Transocean
RJS well, the ? rst to be con-
Polar Pioneer.
nected to the platform, has
Big Foot delayed a daily production potential
First production from the Big of 32,000 bbl. The Cidade
BP invests in ETAP
Bluewater Energy Services by in the Upper Wealden forma-
BP has begun a US$1 billion
Foot development could be de Itaguaí FPSO will be
Hyundai Heavy Industries for tions of the Lower Cretaceous, investment at its Eastern Trough delayed up to 2018, Chevron connected to eight produc-
Rosebank’s FPSO turret and which was water wet, and in
Area Project (ETAP), in blocks announced in early August. ing wells and nine injection mooring system. The Rosebank the Greensand, which found 22/24a and 22/24b, 240km
Problems at the development wells. The unit is capable of project was on track until 2013, noncommercial quantities of east of Aberdeen in the central began in June when work to processing 150,000 b/d of oil, when partner OMV revealed gas. The well, in SEL 4/07, will
North Sea. The project is part of install the Big Foot tension 280 MMscf/d of gas. Petrobras operator Chevron was re- be plugged and abandoned.
a platform renewal life exten- leg platform was suspended expects to achieve peak pro- thinking the project to reduce
Edvard Grieg sion project to see facilities after nine of the 16 tendons duction by early 2017.
costs. The FPSO will be one of is on track continue through to 2030.
lost buoyancy, in an incident the largest ever designed and
Anadarko hits that is still under investiga- As part of the project, Lundin Petroleum’s Edvard built at about 80m-high, with
Caribbean pay tion. Big Foot is located in new wells will be drilled on Grieg ? eld is on track for ? rst a process manifold/turntable
Houston-based Anadarko the Walker Ridge area, about Machar and Marnock ? elds, oil in 4Q 2015 despite the of about 34m-diameter, says
Petroleum hit gas at the Kronos 360km south of New Orleans, subsea infrastructure will be topside modules installation
Bluewater. The FPSO is due well, in 1584m water, off north-
Louisiana. Chevron oper- replaced, new technologies delay earlier this year, which to be competed in November west Colombia. The Bolette ates the development with a will be deployed, and new resulted in the ? rm revising 2016.
Dolphin drillship drilled the 60% interest. Its partners are living quarters will be added down its full year production
Petronas’ Irish
Kronos-1 well, in the Fuerte
Statoil (27.5%) and Marubeni to increase personnel on site guidance to 32,000 boe/d. probe tanks
Sur block, to 3720m deep,
Oil & Gas (12.5%). from 117 to 143. Also, a successful appraisal
Petronas subsidiary PSE encountering 40-70m of net
ETAP’s ? rst ? eld was dis- well was drilled 2.4km from
West White Rose
Seven Heads’ Midleton well natural gas pay in the upper covered in 1976 and has been the platform, to help delineate under assessment offshore Ireland, in the Celtic objective, and proving the pres- producing since 1998. the southeastern part of the
Husky Energy is still assessing ? eld to optimize the drain-
Sea, has failed to discover ence of a working petroleum
Chevron potential development options age strategy and test potential commercial quantities of gas. system, Anadarko said. Drilling revives Rosebank for its West White Rose exten- incremental resource.
Using Diamond Offshore will continue on Kronos-1
Chevron’s Rosebank develop- Drilling’s Ocean Guardian sion in the Jeanne d’Arc basin, in order to meet a deeper The ? eld, with 185.8 MMboe ments, 175km northwest of semisubmersible, the target about 300km off the coast of objective. The drillship move gross reserves, is in Block 16/1
Shetland, seems to be moving depth was reached at 3393ft
Newfoundland and Labrador. next to the Calasu prospect in in the Norwegian sector of forward once again following below sea level. Good quality
One of two concepts being the Fuerte Norte block, about the North Sea and has a ? eld an EPCI contract awarded to reservoirs were encountered assessed, a ? xed wellhead 100mi northeast of Kronos. lifetime of about 30 years.
September 2015 | OE oedigital.com 16 016_OE0915_Global Briefs.indd 16 8/20/15 10:59 AM