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40 years
September 2015
Contents of OE
GEOLOGY & GEOPHYSICS 40 An array of uses
There is more to 4D technology than just exploring for oil and gas. It can also be used to monitor the storage of carbon dioxide and methane in offshore reservoirs in the
North Sea. Heather Saucier ? nds out more. 42 Unlocking potential
A team of subsurface and facilities engineers have been working together to create a viable, small footprint solution for a string of sour ? elds in the UK’s Outer
Moray Firth. Mike Cooper explains.
DRILLING & COMPLETIONS 46 Factory drilling
Drilling on Statoil’s Mariner will be a mega project – but
Statoil is looking to lighten the load in ways that could only be done on such a large project. Elaine Maslin found out more.
Photo from Petrobras 50 Designer mud
Designer mud is helping Total tap pressure depleted
HPHT reservoirs in the UK North Sea. Elaine Maslin
FEATURE FOCUS: FPSO takes a look.
26 FPS market expected to rise
Spending on ? oating production systems is 52 Drilling with liner goes deep expected to increase 73% in 2015-2019, with
Weatherford’s Steve Rosenberg and Ming Zo Tan
US$81 billion due to be spent over that period. demonstrate how drilling-with-liner technology isolated
Douglas Westwood analyst Ben Wilby sets the a depleted sand section in deepwater Gulf of Mexico scene.
well in one trip. 30 FPSOs shine bright in down market
In advance of OE’s 2015 Global FPSO Forum, in Galveston, Texas, Audrey Leon spoke with 56 Modeling in the deep the event’s co-chairs– SBM Offshore’s Jim
An approach to modeling and simulation combining
Wodehouse and Endeavor Management’s Bruce subsea electrical and ? uid systems can facilitate a
Crager – to discuss topics affecting the FPSO better understanding of the interaction of long-distance sector.
tiebacks supplied by step-outs. ABS’ Milton Korn explains.
34 A stabilizing design
Audubon Companies’ Denis Taylor and 58 Making it simple
LLOG Exploration’s Craig Mullett discuss
Hurricane Energy has proven commercial oil can ? ow changing design considerations for condensate from its fractured basement oil reservoirs West of stabilization on the Delta House FPS in the Gulf
Shetland. Its next job is ? nding an economical solution of Mexico.
to get it to market. Elaine Maslin reports. 62 Making waves
Assumptions around tidal arrays need to be rethought, according to Professor Stephen Salter. Emma Gordon
Required reading for the Global Oil & Gas Industry since 1975 oedigital.comoedigital.com ?
Through the looking glass. Through the looking glass. OE
Design & Modeling 56, 58 Optimization 46, 50, 52 Text heree 00 Text heree 00 Text heree 00 Monitoring 70, 74 is not the only one celebrating is not the only one celebrating oedi ital.com FPSOs Design & Modeling Northwest Europe Vol. 40 No. 9 g its 40th birthday this year. its 40th birthday this year. 64 Systematic evaluation of platform life
The iconic Forties ? eld in The iconic Forties ? eld in • • •
Getting to grips with the condition of older assets can the UK North Sea, too, began the UK North Sea, too, began be a dif? cult task. Stefano Copello outlines RINA’s production in 1975. We take production in 1975. We take a look back on the history of a look back on the history of approach to revitalization.
the ? eld and its future. the ? eld and its future. Photo
Forties at 40 20 Breathing new life into the UK’s • most iconic ? eld 68 Carbon sense reproduced with permission of reproduced with permission of
FPSO Report 26, 30 Market outlook •
September 2015 LLOG Exploration’s
June 2014 • 34
Delta House
OE Region Supplement:
BP Archive. BP Archive.
Dutch O