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project, which means it’s very crowded, so you have to be very careful where you put stuff.”
Introducing a new FPSO into a
To handle the multiple work streams, brownfeld while overhauling the
Technip split the project into three, with about 100 people in the project team. subsea infrastructure led to a
The frst work stream was dedicated to complex multi-year SIMOPS campaign fexibles, the second split into two con-
Northwest Europe struction teams, one for seabed and one work for Technip. Elaine Maslin reports.
for in the water column, and the third for
HSE, QHSE and contracts.
IMOPS, or simultaneous opera- of the manifold, controls, jumpers, con- Key to the SIMOPS has been using GIS tions, has been the name of the nectors were provided under free issue to track all the boats and remotely oper-
S game on the subsea decommission- from BP suppliers. ated vehicles (ROVs) in the feld. With ing and installation campaign on BP’s In feld, Technip’s scope is to reconfg- it, the operators can all see where all the
Quad 204 project. ure and install the jumpers, install fy to other vessels and even the ROVs being
Technip is the main contractor and had place connections for new structures and used are. the task of removing and then installing fve static umbilicals, as well as install- The campaign started in 2013-14, new subsea infrastructure in a complex, ing 15 new CRA pipelines, the new Glen with feld disconnection and the old multi-year, multi-vessel campaign. Lyon FPSO, 23 risers, 99 fexible Schiehallion FPSO removed.
With fve drill centers, and gas lift and pipes and 20 moorings. What’s The FPSO mooring system was water injection planned, a lot of subsea more, it made its largest ever recovered and wet stored and infrastructure is needed on Quad 204. bend stiffeners for the proj- fexible jumpers and fy to place
In addition to its own vessels, this year ect, through Aberdeen based connections disconnected and
Technip has also had to contend with Balmoral Group. recovered. the semisubmersible drilling rig Deepsea To handle the DMAC riser In 2014, the installation of the
Aberdeen starting operations in feld as connection system tooling, new feld infrastructure started, well as the Island Constructor offshore BP also commissioned two with a new mooring system
Richard Wylie construction and light well intervention new tooling stores, given free installed, new structures, two vessel. At any one point, there has been issue to Technip, such is the scale of the static umbilicals and fexible jumpers up to 10 boats working in the feld. project. laid down, eight CRA-clad rigid pipelines “In terms of vessels, this is one of the In total, the project will have involved installed. The wet store riser hold back busiest projects we have worked on. We about 2500 vessel days over 4-5 years, installed.
typically had three in the feld last year. Wiley says, with some 800 people within In 2015, the program continues with
This year it has been fve, six, and even Technip having charged time to the another seven CRA-clad pipelines seven at one point in early March,” says project. “The challenge for us was the manufactures and installed, 21 risers,
Richard Wiley, project director for Quad scale of the project,” he says. “The size three static umbilicals, and deployment 204, at Technip. and scale of the project had ramifcations and tie-in of control jumpers and fying
Some 18 risers were recovered and 14 on how to organize the project team. The leads, with the drill centers the key moorings. For the installation campaign, weather and limited construction season focus ahead of drilling starting this year
Technip supplied 23 new risers, as well West of Shetland also had to be taken and the arrival of the Glen Lyon FPSO. as the associated DMAC connectors and into consideration and because of the Decommissioned control jumpers will buoyancy modules, 78 jumpers and 15 weather, the design is for a 100-year wave also disconnected and recovered. In corrosion resistant alloy (CRA), metallur- height of 31m, which makes everything 2016, the last remaining structures will gically bonded clad pipe pipelines. Most that bit bigger. It is also a brownfeld be installed.
A GIS image shows the complexity of the SIMOPS at Quad 204, with the photo showing the same view from the surface.
Images from Technip.
September 2015 | OE oedigital.com 88 088_OE0915_Geofocus3_Quad204_2.indd 88 8/19/15 10:22 PM