Page 48: of Offshore Engineer Magazine (Jan/Feb 2019)
FPSO/FNLG Outlook and Technologies
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FEATURE TECH Remote Ocean Sensing
Gliders. The company has been expand- can operate down to 1,000m and travel from marine life in the survey area. The ing both the range of missions possible up to 13,000km, depending on the bat- glider traversed for four days, covering with these vehicles, to tasks such as drill teries used, traveling at up to 2kt. Po- about 30km/day, depending on the cur- plume and produced formation water sitional accuracy while submerged can rent, before performing simultaneous monitoring and oil spill response activi- be supported using a Doppler velocity operations with the seismic vessel, in a ties, providing operational insights into log (DVL), pressure sensor, altimeter pre-designated PAM area, for a further how these should be undertaken. The and magnetometers. nine days said Ramsay Lind, General company’s latest goal is to deploy mul- In 2016, working with Canada-based Manager – EMEA, at Blue Ocean. The tiple gliders at once with navigation and JASCO Applied Sciences, Blue Ocean glider, operating in about 200m wa- control from an unmanned surface ves- deployed a Slocum Glider for PAM ter depth off Exmouth, carried a CTD sel (USV). But more on that later. operations, to aid environmental and (conductivity, temperature and pressure,
Slocum Gliders weigh 50-60kg, op- anthropogenic monitoring during 3D i.e. depth) sensor and the hydrophone, erate for up to 12 months, payload de- seismic surveys North Western Austra- which picked up the sounds of the pendent, and are light enough to be de- lia. A glider,