Page 36: of Offshore Engineer Magazine (Sep/Oct 2019)
Big Data and Digitalization
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FEATURE Lif e Extension
Source: Aker BP
Digitizing partners: Jens Umehag, CFO BP Ventures and Karl Johnny Hersvik,
CEO Aker BP signed a cooperation agreement to promote new technologies together.
in 1986, Alvheim (2004) and Skarv (2012) stand to bene? t. agement contextualization.
As at Tor II, Aker BP at Ivar Aasen (its digital pilot) will An early bene? t of digitization for life-extension seems to employ subsea lift. It is hoped the Cognite partnership will be that management concerned about overall ? eld integrity yield preventative maintenance bene? ts for ? eld partners — gain the apps they’re used to along with oil? eld equipment and for supplier Framo which, Aker BP chief exec Karl John- readouts. So, the offshore-onshore video conference between, ny Hersvik says, “will be able to make better pumps in the say, a platform manager offshore and a wellhead expert or ex- future” as a result of pump data streamed to onshore engineers ecutive in Stavanger is supplanted or augmented by an instant, via satellite (for more on this, see page 48). Google-assisted meeting and Cognite contextualized visuals.
The digital oil? eld twin (and Cognite’s REVEAL 3D view- For life-extension purposes, Cognite software would have ers) will show instant CGI of the exact location of equipment to liberate, present and make useful the “live” and historical in need of maintenance. Crews need only consult their de- data sent by myriad production equipment of varying age, vices to identify the part. With the expectation of more main- type and make. At Ivar Aasen or Tor II, that would include the tenance for older facilities, the savings are in “no list checks” vibrations of a subsea pump.
for crews and the ability of managers to locate docs, visualize “We have instant access to all our live streams on our com- and better plan for production events and maintenance. puters, tablets and phones and through the Google Assistant,”
So, “smart maintenance” contracts could come to dominate Hersvik, tells a conference audience.
life extension. Actionable big data triggers repairs and elimi- nates scheduled maintenance. Hourly rates fall. Terms based
SUPPLIER SURGE on uptime emerge.
While Aker BP frees its data and rolls out the Cognite and
Resoptima tech across its portfolio of ? ve operated assets,
AUGMENTED AUDIENCES some digitization suppliers argue caution is needed when go-
Austrian operator OMV and German Wintershall Dea ing all-out digital.
agreed to share digitization learning with Aker BP, which in “Let’s not start with the data. Let’s be clear about what our turn has partnered with new subsidiary Resoptima to deliver a data needs to do before we start,” Biarri Supply Chain chief “digital twin” of its reservoirs. exec, John Payne, tells a shipping conference audience. His
All of that requires digital infrastructure. Cognite appears company has helped Shell and Rio Tinto assess their data to be partnering with OEMs already in the preventive mainte- needs, and he warns that just 4% of companies are getting nance business but unable, perhaps, to free their data for man- value from big data. 36 OFFSHORE ENGINEER OEDIGITAL.COM