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Page 48: of Offshore Engineer Magazine (Jul/Aug 2021)
The Robotics Revolution
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THE FINAL WORD NOIA success story means that American will be able to depend on rock environmental conservation laws, including the National reliable and affordable homegrown energy that is produced in Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the Migratory Bird a way that protects the environment and strives to help meet Treaty Act (MBTA), which could have a massive impact on the goals of the Paris Accord on climate change. However, the how offshore wind projects are able to proceed.
incredible energy, economic, and emission performance of the In the past, overly strict enforcement of NEPA and MBTA
Gulf of Mexico cannot continue without a regular, predict- have impeded critical infrastructure projects, including wind able, and legally mandated schedule of lease sales, along with energy development. Unfounded litigation is one of the fastest the ability to develop these leases. It is more important than ways to deter fnancing and progress for vital projects. Rules ever, in our post-pandemic world, that we take proactive steps that protect otherwise lawful and permitted activities com- to increase critical oil and gas supplies domestically so that we bined with the robust mitigation measures that offshore wind can help avert potential infationary risks and rising energy deploys can enhance environmental stewardship and eco- prices, which disproportionately impacts those who can af- nomic and energy growth.Offshore energy companies – from ford it the least – low-income communities. every sector and segment – are fnding solutions to Environ-
There has been more progress of late in the offshore wind mental, Social & Governance (ESG) issues and to the climate sector. The Biden Administration is promulgating new off- challenge. The NOIA ESG Network and the recently adopted shore wind lease sales offshore New York, New Jersey, Califor- NOIA climate change position and principles have been thor- nia, and Virginia. Considering that than 80% of Americans oughly embraced by the full diversity of NOIA membership. live within just a couple of hours from our nation’s coasts, this We are helping to solve energy and climate problems by scaling is welcome news for millions of energy consumers. and deploying real-world solutions. Whether it is the build-out
All told, states have established more than 29 GW of off- of new offshore wind projects, developing CO2 storage facilities, shore wind procurement targets to date. More than 9.1 GW of fnding new ways to produce hydrogen, or optimizing technol- offshore wind is expected to come online by 2026. Tremendous ogy, logistics, and operations to reduce the carbon footprint, the investments are needed to move these offshore wind projects to offshore energy industry is at the forefront of energy solutions and completion. Current demand alone will require $70 billion or emission reductions. Across the board, our members are commit- more in investment by 2030. All told, more than 83,000 good ted to innovation, best practices, and deployment of advanced paying jobs could be created by the end of the decade. technologies that are central to addressing the climate challenge.
Offshore wind jobs are not found solely in the states ad- The promise of American energy remains constant. We are a jacent to wind lease areas. Offshore wind jobs are found foundation of homegrown energy, jobs, economic opportunity, throughout the U.S., including along the Gulf Coast. The billions of dollars of government revenue, and environmental same feet of heavy vessel operators, welders, fabricators, sub- and climate change solutions. The benefts of American off- sea construction frms and other businesses that built the Gulf shore energy production lift every American, regardless of party. of Mexico oil and gas are going to be needed to lend their As the world returns to normalcy, the need for safely and re- experience and expertise to build out offshore wind. liably produced oil and natural gas and wind energy has never
But holding new lease sales is only one step in seizing the been greater. The benefts of American offshore energy lift ev- generational offshore wind opportunity. Continued new lease ery American, regardless of party. NOIA is working tirelessly opportunities need to be supported by an all-of-government ap- to ensure that our elected offcials recognize the vast benefts proach that links permitting, leasing, and regulatory priorities. of our industry, so the promise of American offshore energy
The Biden Administration is considering changes to bed- remains bright.
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