Page 63: of Offshore Engineer Magazine (Mar/Apr 2023)
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INSIGHTS TECHNOLOGY & RENEWABLE ENERGY ©conceptcafe/AdobeStock beyond 25 years – with each additional year in operation implement strategies based on the reality of the situation. generating ~20 GWh in renewable energy (the equivalent This enables condition-based and preventative mainte- to powering 14 million homes). This will help to signif- nance to be decided and implemented on a per-turbine cantly increase the production of renewable energy. basis – maximizing the total value of their asset, speeding
By monitoring offshore wind turbines remotely with a decision-making, and extending its lifetime and value. set of specifc sensors, operators can identify and correct It is important to also remember that, as energy produc- issues such as fatigue, corrosion, and scour before they im- tion is scaled up, wind projects may be located anywhere pact the asset’s integrity or performance. This can reduce in the world. Conditions can be extremely different, so the frequency of subsea inspections (which is critical to enhanced visibility is critical to prevent asset owners from bring down costs) and help to make sure turbines function making assumptions and misguided decisions.
effciently to the end of their life cycle and beyond. Clearly, there is a huge opportunity to use automated data delivery to extend the life cycle of wind turbines and increase production – but this does also mean that wind
Technology Takes Industry to New Levels
Technology is rapidly advancing to optimize offshore farm operators are now grappling with huge datasets.
To make sure the right data is available at the right mo- wind projects. For example, automated data delivery can ment in time, they should use a data delivery and engage- now provide real-time access to data and support continu- ment platform. After all, every decision based on this in- ous remote monitoring of assets.
This is helping to provide early indications of fatigue formation could contribute to achieving the bigger goal of and failure – reducing costs, enhancing asset performance, supporting the transition to renewables.
Technology can play a huge role in optimizing renew- minimizing downtime, and improving safety for wind farms. All these things are helping to increase production able energy production. Ultimately, the asset owners that continually push the boundaries will not only be more of renewable energy and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.
proftable but will make the biggest difference towards a
Overall, better access to real-time data will help opera- tors and asset owners to make more informed decisions and more sustainable future.